Figure 1: 12 month moving average of mass shooting casualties; deaths (dark red), wounded (pink). Source: Mother Jones, for 2/26/2016 data, and author’s calculations.
For a per capita depiction, see this post. The upward trend is obvious there as well. (December, 2015): We’ve had a massive decline in gun violence in the United States. Here’s why.
Jeffrey J. Brown: I see; since aggregate shootings are down (but high relative to most other advanced economies, in per capita terms), we should not worry about the increase in mass shooting casualties?
I think that it would be more accurate to say that your post did not tell the complete story, especially in regard to the sharp decline in total gun homicides in the US.
Number of Suicide Bombings Around World Surged 94% in 2014 Amid Rise of ISIS
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What does this tell us?
1. total homicides by firearms are decreasing in the U.S. despite the rapid increase in firearms sales
2. any highly publicized means of killing people will attract the attention of the fringes of society
So, perhaps the way to ensure public safety is to stop drawing attention to those who commit atrocities.
Bruce Hall: I see. If we don’t hear it, it won’t happen. In the American context, this is your policy proposal? In your view, is the rise in per capita mass shooting casualties “caused” by the advent of that new-fangled device, the television?
Americans are over three times more likely to be killed by a motor vehicle than a firearm.
Motor vehicle deaths in the U.S. peaked around 1970. Since then, they’ve decreased about 50%, although the population increased substantially. We made Americans more responsible and motor vehicles safer, with more protection.
Perhaps, we should do the same to reduce mass shootings. We don’t need to wear body armor. However, a responsible adult with a loaded gun may help. (Will a criminal be more likely to rob a store that has a gun or doesn’t have a gun?). Maybe, something like Mothers Against Mass Shootings (MAMS). 🙂
“We made Americans more responsible and motor vehicles safer, with more protection.”
your automobile comparison relies on safety improvements of the auto itself-anitlock breaks, power steering, seat belts, airbags, etc. stricter speed limits. alcohol and drug restrictions. you could take the same approach with guns, and provide more safety measures on the gun itself. we also control who can drive an automobile. age and medical clearance. pass a knowledge and driving test. peace through superior fire power is not always necessary to make improvements.
How would more safety measures on the gun itself protect innocent lives? A responsible adult can be more responsible trained in safety, a gun in itself can be a deterrent, and using a gun can protect lives. You don’t want to wear armor. Good luck protecting yourself, and others, against a criminal, who doesn’t obey laws and is willing to use a gun. You don’t need superior firepower to put down a criminal.
Prof. Chinn,
What policy recommendations would you propose?
Perhaps we need to look into these “mass shootings” and correlate them to trends in the 1. increase and use of psychotropic drugs by the shooters, and /or 2. correlate to the invasion of the middle east in the name of terror and creating a monster by our actions possibly resulting in the 3rd generation of young middle east people(s) are really angry and seek revenge.