A Fiscal “Do You Feel Lucky?” Part II

Previous counts put Trump fiscal promises at (at least) $4 trillion over ten years, compared to Harris $1.7 trillion (or Economist $3 trillion vs $1.4 trillion). Now, let’s place Trump tax cuts at a cost of $11 trillion…From “Trump Dangles So Many Tax Breaks Even Some Advisers Are Confused,” Bloomberg:

Source: Corte, Cook, Dillard, Bloomberg, 23 September 2024.

I’m pretty sure the 200% tariff on John Deere products made in Mexico won’t change this count much (and whatever happened to the “terrific” USMCA Trump (I) negotiated?).


9 thoughts on “A Fiscal “Do You Feel Lucky?” Part II

  1. pgl

    You know Bruce Hall pretends to fret over massive deficits but not once has this two faced MAGA moron criticized Trump on this issue. No – Brucie spends his day claiming Harris’s fiscal proposals are “mystery meat”. Well if little Brucie knew how to read (we know he never did) there would be no mystery.

    Well maybe this mystery. His mom bought a lot of curry to spice up the baked version of the neighbor’s pet. So the big question is whether Brucie is about to have curry cat or curry dog for his dinner.

    1. Moses Herzog

      Vance says “RFK Jr’s Curry Bear” is best. Got it out of the Catholic Church’s “Food To Celebrate Marriage Annulments” Cookbook.

      RFK Jr’s curry bear recipe can also be found in RFK Jr’s latest autobiography “RFK Jr: How My Children Became Bastards, But I Paid the Catholic Church A Fortune, So Not Really”

  2. pgl

    Shots fired into Democratic campaign office in Arizona

    “Shots were fired into a Democratic campaign office in Tempe, Arizona, on Monday, but no one was injured, Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign confirmed to Axios.”

    It is a good thing no one was injured. But this violence is on JD Vance who told us that so far the Harris campaign had not directly faced shots as if this creep was begging the MAGA crowd to do so.

  3. pgl

    We chaired the Maine Republican Party. We endorse Kamala Harris for president.
    Robert A.G. Monks, Ken Cole and Ted O’Meara are former chairs of the Maine Republican Party.

    As former chairs of the Maine Republican Party, we enthusiastically endorse Kamala Harris for president of the United States. We led our party at a time when candidates of both parties were not only civil and believed in the rule of law, but, we believe, had the best interests of the state and entire nation foremost in their hearts, even when we disagreed on policies. We see these same positive characteristics are on full display in Vice President Harris and her candidacy. Sadly, they are completely lacking in her opponent, former President Donald Trump.

    Never can we recall a candidate from either major political party whose sole mission seems to be to divide our nation, divide our communities and, often, divide families and friendships. Whether it is race, religion, gender, ethnicity or country of origin, Trump continues to pit us against each other in his frightening, cynical quest to get elected again. In contrast, we have seen in Harris a collaborative and capable leader committed to bringing people together, and we believe her when she says that she is committed to being a president for all Americans, regardless of political party. Each of us has had the honor of traveling the state of Maine to recruit and support candidates and to talk about the values that a big-tent Republican Party once stood for. Trump’s MAGA Republican Party is unrecognizable to us. Like people all over Maine, we are tired of the chaos and lies of Trump. More and more Republican leaders are supporting Harris, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney and more than a dozen alumni of Ronald Reagan’s administration. More than 100 high-ranking Republican officials from past administrations have signed a letter calling Trump “unfit to serve again as president, or indeed in any office of public trust.” They know our world is a complex and challenging place. On the debate stage in Philadelphia, Trump refused to say whether he wants Ukraine to prevail against Russian aggression, a position previous generations of Republican leaders would have found unthinkable, just like Trump’s cozying up to dictators like Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban and Kim Jong Un. European allies are waiting to see if their faith in America is going to be affirmed by a Harris victory or undermined by a Trump win. China is circling Taiwan, and the Middle East desperately needs calm and determined U.S. leadership. We believe another Trump presidency would make our world a far more dangerous place.

    Closer to home, we fear Trump will follow the Project 2025 blueprint to gut programs and policies that are good for Maine people — like health insurance protections for pre-existing conditions through the Affordable Care Act and Social Security and Medicare programs that enable Maine seniors to live with dignity. The key question this fall is whether a majority of Maine people will vote for an America that believes in free and fair elections, defends personal freedoms like a woman’s right to choose and get proper health care, and supports a tax structure where everyone pays their fair share. Or will they fall for Trump’s election lies, endanger more of our personal liberties, and enable tax and trade policies that will hurt Maine workers. Much of the leadership of today’s Republican Party has joined the cult of Trump, and we know that they will care little for what we have to say. But we also know that the Republican Party in Maine is still home to many honest, hardworking, principled people who — more than any party label — want what is best for our state and nation. We hope that they will join us in supporting Harris for president.
    Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, a Republican, put it best in his speech to the Democratic convention last month when he said: “Let me be clear to my Republican friends at home: If you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024 you’re not a Democrat, you’re a patriot.” On Nov. 5, be a patriot.

  4. Macroduck

    Politics, not policy – Russian disinformation and Republican disinformation are the same:


    Trump keeps talking about Democrats letting illegal immigrants into the country to vote in elections. Republican legislature around the country are passing laws to deal with non-existent voting by illegal immigrants. That’s bad enough. Turns out that, once again, Russia’s propaganda machine is marching in lock-step with the GOP. Russia published fake Washington Post articles claiming Democrats smuggled 320,000 illegal immigrants into the U.S. to vote in this year’s election. And so forth…

    Let’s not get started on GOP suppression of legal voting and general efforts to overturn democracy.

    1. Ivan

      The fake concerns about illegals voting is a powerful tool for voter suppression. Indeed the 3 million illegal votes Trump claimed before the 2016 election was investigated by him and his GOP majority congress after he won. They found nothing. Again he is trying to cover his fragile ego by stating that if he loses this election it actually isn’t a loss – but a crime. They know that the risk is huge and gains are almost none, for an illegal alien to expose themselves by trying to vote.

      However, the GOP is getting behind him, because they can use this fake fear to institute restrictions that suppress voting from constituents that traditionally vote more for democrats. So acceptable ID’s are hunting licenses, not student ID cards. Demanding that you produce documents like birth certificates and marriage licenses are more problematic for poor people who have moved a lot. Its mostly women that have a name change after marriage – and may have had to flee a home from an abusive husband (leaving behind their papers).

  5. Not Trampis

    talk about double standards. If Harris had proposed this she would be rightly heavily criticised for it. Where is the criticism for Trump.
    It is entirely irresponsible

    1. Moses Herzog

      @ Not Trampis Welcome to what the comic book writers of “Superman” and comedian Jerry Seinfeld called “Bizarro World”

  6. baffling

    end SALT cap deductions, that trump put into place! you mean he wants to fix his mistake? or has trump simply claimed that democrats put those caps in place?


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