Treasury Spreads and Measured Economic Policy Uncertainty for 2018

A correlation shows up in the last month or so:

Figure 1: Baker Bloom and Davis Economic Policy Uncertainty index, centered 7 day moving average (gray, left scale), and ten year – three month Treasury spread, % (blue, right scale) and ten year – two year spread, % (red, right scale). Source:, FRED and author’s calculations.

2 thoughts on “Treasury Spreads and Measured Economic Policy Uncertainty for 2018

  1. pgl

    Stephen Moore cannot stop lying:

    “Danny Blanchflower: “Hey Stephen Moore you need to withdraw this lie NOW: ‘Pay gains in real terms this year are now estimated at 3 percent—one of the biggest increases in two decades’. Real hrly earnings rose 0.8% real weekly 0.5%…”

    Or maybe Stephen Moore does not know the difference between nominal wages increases v. real wages increases. He is incredibly stupid when it comes to basic economics!

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