The 50th anniversary of Alice Rivlin’s tenure as the founding director of CBO

From the CBO website:


Beginning in the early 1920s, the President began to assume more prominence in setting the federal budget. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 gave the President overall responsibility for budget planning by requiring him to submit an annual, comprehensive budget proposal to the Congress; that act also expanded the President’s control over budgetary information by establishing the Bureau of the Budget (renamed the Office of Management and Budget in 1971). By contrast, the Congress lacked institutional capacity to establish and enforce budgetary priorities, coordinate actions on spending and revenue legislation, or develop budgetary and economic information independently of the executive branch.

Conflict between the legislative and executive branches reached a high point during the summer of 1974, when Members of Congress objected to President Richard Nixon’s threats to withhold Congressional appropriations for programs that were inconsistent with his policies (a process known as impoundment). The dispute led to the enactment of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 in July of that year.

That act reasserted the Congress’s constitutional control over the budget by establishing new procedures for controlling impoundments and by instituting a formal process through which the Congress could develop, coordinate, and enforce its own budgetary priorities independently of the President. In addition, the law created new legislative institutions to implement the new Congressional budget process: the House and Senate Budget Committees to oversee execution of the budget process and the Congressional Budget Office to provide the Budget Committees and the Congress with objective, impartial information about budgetary and economic issues. The agency began operating on February 24, 1975, when Alice Rivlin was appointed its first Director.

Since its founding, CBO has had ten Directors. Their names and terms of office are as follows:


Alice M. Rivlin February 24, 1975 — August 31, 1983
Rudolph G. Penner September 1, 1983 — April 28, 1987
Robert D. Reischauer March 6, 1989 — February 28, 1995
June E. O’Neill March 1, 1995 — January 29, 1999
Dan L. Crippen February 3, 1999 — January 3, 2003
Douglas Holtz-Eakin February 5, 2003 — December 29, 2005
Peter R. Orszag January 18, 2007 — November 25, 2008
Douglas W. Elmendorf January 22, 2009 — March 31, 2015
Keith Hall April 1, 2015 — May 31, 2019
Phillip Swagel June 3, 2019 —

During gaps between Directors, the agency has been led by Acting Directors. CBO’s Acting Directors have been Edward M. Gramlich, James L. Blum, Barry Anderson, Donald B. Marron, and Robert A. Sunshine.

I didn’t have the opportunity to see Dr. Rivlin during her tenure at CBO, although I intermittently cross paths with her when I was a RA at the Brookings institution (’84-’85) where she took up residence as a senior fellow. As I recall, she was very supportive of us young RA’s. One time she invited the RA’s to a gathering at her house where we could meet the economic policymakers. We were too shy to circulate, but I still recall then Fed Chair Paul Volcker joining the circle of us for a conversation. More on her life here.

Under her leadership, CBO established a central role as an impartial and expert source of economic and budget analysis, above and beyond its statutory role. No doubt that importance is going to rise in the coming years.

Kathy Ruffing reminds me of this book on the history of the CBO, by Philip Joyce, entitled  The Congressional Budget Office: Honest Numbers, Power, and Policymaking (2011).


Phill Swagel on Celebrating 50 Years of CBO.


One thought on “The 50th anniversary of Alice Rivlin’s tenure as the founding director of CBO

  1. Moses Herzog

    It’s so great that you did this post Prof Chinn. What a great lady she was. People should not forget.

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