Garbage and Non-Garbage Estimates: Puerto Rico Edition

Since the Puerto Rican government ceased publishing mortality data in February, there has been a debate over the death toll arising from Hurrican Maria. The official death toll, focusing on direct deaths, remains at 64. However, starting in November, a number of scholars attempted to gain further insight into the extent of the human disaster […]

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Population mean Sample mean Population standard deviation Sample standard deviation Standard error Administrative data Survey data Point estimate Confidence interval Sampling bias Reporting bias Now, let’s begin. Here is a graph of estimates of cumulative fatalities in Puerto Rico over time. Figure 1: Estimates from Santos-Lozada and Jeffrey Howard (Nov. 2017) for September and October […]

Estimates of Excess Fatalities in Puerto Rico, Post-Maria

Given some criticisms of the Harvard School of Public Health led study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, I thought it useful to compare point estimates and 95% confidence intervals of several extant studies, placed in a time context. Figure 1: Estimates from Santos-Lozada and Jeffrey Howard (Nov. 2017) for September and October, […]