That’s title of a FoxNews article. Like all things emanating from the former governor, you have to look at the data to assess. Let’s consider first agriculture under Walker.
Figure 1: Number of farms in Wisconsin as of June of each year (blue line). Orange shading denotes Walker administrations. Source: USDA.
As for manufacturing, well output typically rises, so it’s useful to compare against other states Wisconsin’s performance. I’ll compare against what Walker used to disparage — Minnesota (a graphic from a December 2017 post on the Manufacturing and Agriculture Credit).
Figure 2: Log real manufacturing output in Minnesota (blue) and in Wisconsin (red), normalized to 2011Q1=0. NBER defined recession dates shaded gray. Vertical dashed line at 2013Q1 indicates beginning of Wisconsin Manufacturing and Agriculture Credit (MAC). Source: BEA, accessed 12/3/2017, NBER, and author’s calculations.
In my view, Walker did a pretty good job devastating Wisconsin already…
Update, 9/8, 1:20pm Pacific:
Figure 3: Log real manufacturing output in Minnesota (blue) and in Wisconsin (red), and US (black) normalized to 2011Q1=0. Light orange shading denotes Walker and Dayton administrations. Vertical dashed line at 2013Q1 indicates beginning of Wisconsin Manufacturing and Agriculture Credit (MAC). Source: BEA, accessed 9/8/2020 and author’s calculations.
A lot of Walker’s babbling was captured by this subtitle:
“The people of Wisconsin have seen ‘the jobs come back since Donald Trump and Mike Pence have been in office,’ Walker said
It would be interesting to see a graph of Wisconsin employment. BTW – any substance in Walker’s prediction seems to be that President Bernie Sanders would implement SOCIALISM whatever that means. Of course Sanders did not get the nominee.
Now he did mention the Green New Deal which is not exactly on Biden’s talking points. But come on Walker – you can’t figure out how to use the Green New Deal to bring new jobs to your state? No wonder you sucked as governor.
pgl: July employment in Wisconsin is 6.3% lower than it was in January 2017.
I provided a link to a FRED series and yes employment has declined considerably especially when compared to the 2018QI peak. Obama-Biden left Trump-Pence was a growing economy, which they of course have derailed not just in Wisconsin but across the nation.
Perhaps you should ask for Scott Walker to invite Trump to meet him and Robin Vos in Racine at the FoxConn manufacturing facility to highlight the high tech jobs purchased with Wisconsin’s subsidies, and then Scott Walker could have a rally with all the employees in manufacturing jobs at the Kestrel production facility in Superior.
FRED on Employment Level for Wisconsin (EMPLOYWI)
Considerable growth in employment during the Obama-Biden recovery reaching 3,093,500 by 2018QI. But what’s this? It started a long and steep decline falling to 2,906,100 by 2020QII. So Walker’s claim about how Trump-Pence led to an employment boom is a bald faced lie. Go figure.
“Walker’s claim … is a bald faced lie.” I am quite confident that you aren’t surprised. This is, after all, Scott Walker we’re talking about. The only attribute of his that matches in magnitude his dishonesty is his arrogance, which also has no basis in reality.
lol, Walker is getting laughed out of the room.
Certainly, Walker was mistaken using the term “employment”. He would have been correct if he had used the term “unemployment rate” (excl. COVID-19).
Politicians will always spin things in their favor with selective truths.
Bruce Hall: In January 2011, Wisconsin’s unemployment rate was 1.1 percentage points higher than the national average. In January 2019, it was 0.9 percentage points higher than the national average. Wow!
Brings new meaning to the label “comparative economics”, aye Menzie?? : )
Those are good graphs so I’m a bit impressed. But only a bit as you missed the real story. Let’s do this pre COVID. Someone like Walker might say Wisconsin had a lower employment rate but this is a really misleading statistic. The unemployment rate may have declined but the labor force participation rate fell even more. Which of course means the employment to population rate fell. Which is the real statistics.
So congrats on finally providing useful information even though Single Statistic Bruce no relationship to Robert Hall completely missed the key point. As usual.
AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine study put on hold due to suspected adverse reaction in participant in the U.K.
A large, Phase 3 study testing a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford at dozens of sites across the U.S. has been put on hold due to a suspected serious adverse reaction in a participant in the United Kingdom. A spokesperson for AstraZeneca, a frontrunner in the race for a Covid-19 vaccine, said in a statement that the company’s “standard review process triggered a pause to vaccination to allow review of safety data.”
Oh my – no vaccine approved by the FDA by November 1? Screw the serious adverse reactions and approve this vaccine now so Donald Trump can have his October surprise. MAGA. And do remember to take in your daily dose of bleach.
Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million, rolling 7-day average
To those who said we have turned the corner, we are back to where we were in July 25 which is still around 835 deaths per day. Oh wait – we are a large nation so this graph does it in per capita terms. Notice that the other nations have lowered their daily death counts significantly but ours is several multiples of any other nation even in per capita terms.
So I guess the Trump sycophants can chat America is #1!
Always be suspicious of PGL trying to do analysis. Using ourworldindata as a source instead of the US CDC just adds suspicion. Looking at the CDC data we have: “Sep 8 Date 2020 New Deaths 459 7 Day Rolling average 723. Let’s compare with the ourworldindata page referenced by PGL and we get:” United States Sept 08
Rolling Average 801.430”®ion=NorthAmerica Even in PGL-world 723 should be lower than 801.
As I have said and this example confirms my suspicion. PGL can not do even simplest analysis. BTW, he also is as bad at providing links. His provided link goes to another page than what he claims. His source shows that on July 25 the United States 7 day rolling average was 897.14 not his claimed 835 deaths per day. If he found and used the daily data he even failed to provide that link.
Of course I put up this information already. But I added some context by comparing this series in per capita terms to what other nations are seeing. But leave it to CoRev to not do this. Troll on brother.
BTW – have you been checking Woodward’s new book The Rage? You need to step up your disinformation skills as Trump has you beat badly.
September 9, 2020 at 2:54 pm”
Hey CoRev – this fellow just nailed your lying arse with your own link. Pardon me as I fall on the floor laughing!
PGL, was Pasha talking about my link? Pardon me as I fall on the floor laughing! Pasha claimed: “that chart is chilling! our death rate per million is 12+ times greater than britain and italy, 26+ times greater than canada’s. Only YOUR chart has that information. Speaking of: “your lying arse with (not recognizing) your own link.”
BTW, how gullible are the TDS afflicted by referencing Woodward’s book. Woodward just quoted what Trump had told Acosta in one of the press conference. Even Biden made a claim to not cause a Covid panic in the earliest days. I bet most have already forgotten the hording and empty shelves in the stores. Only in the TDS-driven world is fostering a panic good.
Another example of your analytical abilities. You are a treat!
CoRev: Earth to CoRev: read op-ed from January 27. Still arguing the Earth is flat, eh?
You are bragging that our deaths per capita are much higher than the rest of the world’s? OK! USA #1! MAGA!!
Seriously CoRev – your angry has turned you into a laughing stock. Yes – your own dog is laughing AT you.
“Only in the TDS-driven world is fostering a panic good.”
Someone got drunk on the Kool Aid. Telling people the truth is not fostering a panic. BTW Trump is giving a speech now and he is setting new records for the most lies per minute. You should watch it and learn how to do it better as your parade of dishonesty has become too predictable and stale.
Menzie, why the irrelevant reference. Has nothing to do with PGL’s failed analysis, his poor linking, and attempt at a couple of grapes to basket of grapefruit comparison. If that analogy is too difficult, a few small to moderately sized countries to the US.
PGL, another failed analysis attempt. You again did that single data point analysis, “2020-09-08” on a time series covering the world. As an analyst your attempts represent abject failure. A new “Whopper” and example for grade school teachers everywhere.
CoRev Even Biden made a claim to not cause a Covid panic in the earliest days. I bet most have already forgotten the hording and empty shelves in the stores.
And you’re criticizing PGL for not providing a link? Unlike everyone else, Trump had the entire intelligence resources of the US government at his disposal. Others did not. And most people with an IQ above room temperature understand the difference between warning about the risks of hoarding versus self-conscious lying about the seriousness of COVID-19 in order to avoid some imagined panic. I don’t know about you, but I’m a big boy and quite capable of accepting bad news about COVID without flying off into a panic. Trump’s lying about the seriousness of the pandemic only hurt the government’s credibility. How is that helpful? Trump’s entire life experience has been all about finding suckers and then BS’ing his way through difficulties. BS’ing has always been his “go to” move and that’s the way he has tried to handle the pandemic.
Why did Trump open up to Woodward? My guess is that it’s his way of seeking some kind of absolution through confession in order to satisfy some deep psychological need. He used to do a lot of that on the Howard Stern show under a pseudonym.
2slugs, why all the irrelevance? I complained about PGL’s poor linking AND misstating its meaning.
Who cares about your opinion on Trumps psychology? Are you now claiming expertise in psychology?
2slugs, why all the irrelevance? I complained about PGL’s poor linking
But somehow it’s an “irrelevance” if I point out that you made a strong claim without providing a link? We all know that whenever you start claiming someone’s comment is “irrelevant” it’s just your way of admitting that you’ve lost the argument but are too proud to come out and say it.
CoRev Who cares about your opinion on Trumps psychology? Are you now claiming expertise in psychology?
Just a remnant of my Roman Catholic upbringing.
“Only YOUR chart has that information.”
It is the same data source that CoRev used but I added a lot of very relevant information that CoRev left out. And CoRev says I’m terrible at links?
Come on CoRev – can you be more stoooopid? Oh wait – we know you can.
Notice how deftly PGL changed the subject and lying about the data source? He first claimed: “Hey CoRev – this fellow just nailed your lying arse with your own link. >/b>Pardon me as I fall on the floor laughing!” His lie: “It is the same data source that CoRev used but I added a lot of very relevant information that CoRev left out.” Only PGL does single day death rates (single point analysis) drawing world-wide and entire Covid-19 infection time frame conclusions. We coincidentally used the same site but different data representations.
Every time he does it his conclusion is hilariously WRONG. His conclusion? “Notice that the other nations have lowered their daily death counts significantly but ours is several multiples of any other nation even in per capita terms.” When other nations are selected instead of those PGL CHERRY PICKED we can see a different story. THIS IS FROM THE SAME DATA SOURCE AND REPRESENTATION.
It must be really tough to be so wrong so often.
CoRev: For the love of god, see this post to see numbers for NY vs. your states of interest.
CoRev Only PGL does single day death rates (single point analysis)
Curious. What exactly do you mean by “single point analysis”? You’ve bandied this phrase around lately, so I was wondering what you think it means.
2slugs, think in terms of a flow and stock variables. PGL want to use a recent single day’s data (single point) to make some obscure point about US states performance. If that comparison is valid then the picking a date in April too is valid. But the better comparison is the full chart showing the variability in the performance, AND WHICH STATES HAD FEWER DEATHS OR LOWER DEATHS/DAY RATES. They both use death per day data.
One method provides information, states with current surges are doing better than other states in the early stages. The other just seems to make a political point. Have you noticed the no one has added that next level of understanding(any analysis) other than the simple (ho hum) single point focus while ignoring what the entire chart shows?
It reminds me of the earlier blog post of total/accumulating case/death trend charts. A real HO HUM issue. Yup, the numbers are going up and up and will never come back down. The best we can see is the trend lines flatten and the totals stop accumlating as NEW cases/deaths stop. Not unless those dead are resurrected. Oh, unless the data is changed.
Several here, especially PGL, didn’t understand that concept either.
“he also is as bad at providing links.”
That is a rather stupid little lie. I do provide links but I guess real sources make you angry. Now you provide links and then just misrepresent what they say. Like that dumbass lie about daily COVID deaths in NY and NYC being high. Seriously CoRev – if you want to dig your own grave, be my guest!
Wow! PGL another lie. Please show my quote where I say: “lie about daily COVID deaths in NY and NYC being high.”
“Select deaths and states, CA, Fl, NY, NJ, IL to see the difference in death rates since the early E. Coast infections. The current rate of deaths in those later occurring states is significantly lower than PGL’s fave NY & NYC.
You wrote this in your 10:47am comment. And it was a lie. Come on CoRev – if you cannot keep up with your own lies, then stop digging your own grave.
that chart is chilling! our death rate per million is 12+ times greater than britain and italy, 26+ times greater than canada’s. this administration’s handling of covid-19 goes beyond malfeasance into the realm of manslaughter
Exactly the context I provided. But shhhh – CoRev really hates this kind of stuff aka honesty.
Daily confirmed deaths: when did countries bend the curve?
The title of a country by country comparison of daily deaths per capita using 7-days averages. Take almost any nation in any region (Asia, Europe, etc) and not only have they bent the curve, daily deaths per capita have dropped to very low levels. Except for the US where they have dipped a bit but are still very, very high.
And idiots like CoRev sees this as great news?
PGL provides even another exemplary analytical effort in comparing the US total with much smaller countries. Earlier he at least did a per capita comparison. He could/should have compared most individual countries to a equivalent sized US State(s).
Had he actually tried thinking he could have used the CDC data to see how our own states performance. It is here we can see the story. Covid infections increase when it finds new uninfected populations. Early infections on the densely populated E. Coast were intense and high, while in the less densely populated states the pattern was reversed, low at the beginning and then later increasing after gaining a foot hold. The pattern is similar in each instance. Even Europe is seeing a surge in new cases.
Try this chart: Select deaths and states, CA, Fl, NY, NJ, IL to see the difference in death rates since the early E. Coast infections. The current rate of deaths in those later occurring states is significantly lower than PGL’s fave NY & NYC.
What amazes is the apparent ignorance that this virus attacks the new populations as they are opened. Early businesses, then Summer vacations, University and college openings, now lower grade schools, and each has shown a surge in cases, but not the equivalent surge in deaths.
CoRev: As we have been discussing this issue consistently for the past few months, does it make sense to rely on CDC fatality data to infer the most recent trend?
“Select deaths and states, CA, Fl, NY, NJ, IL to see the difference in death rates since the early E. Coast infections. The current rate of deaths in those later occurring states is significantly lower than PGL’s fave NY & NYC.
Your list of 6 states did not include NY. No worries I added NY and guess what stupid. The daily death rates in NY is much lower than the other states you chose. Gee CoRev – you even suck at lying.
“PGL provides even another exemplary analytical effort in comparing the US total with much smaller countries.”
Are you lying again or are you really that dumb. I have always compared this per capita. OK we have some densely populated places like where I live. You do realize that so does China, Taiwan, and South Korea. And guess what stooopid – their per capita death rates are FAR lower than ours.
Come on troll – I though you were better at lying than this weak nonsense. But I guess not.
Someone please call the mental health professionals to come check out CoRev and I do think this troll has completely lost it. He provides this useful link:
“Select deaths and states, CA, Fl, NY, NJ, IL to see the difference in death rates since the early E. Coast infections. The current rate of deaths in those later occurring states is significantly lower than PGL’s fave NY & NYC.”
I guess CoRev did not notice the six states he selected did not include either NY or NYC. So how the per capita death rates were someone lower than what is occurring either in my city or my state from what he graphed? It’s not. You see I added NY and NYC to the graph created by CoRev’s link and the graph showed how incredibly low the per capita daily death rates are here.
Now is CoRev just lying as usual? Or is he truly the dumbest troll ever? No his lies and stupidity have grown much worse than normal. Please CoRev – stop writing this crap and seek out mental health professionals ASAP.
pgl: I vote “dumbest troll ever”.
Menzie, where do your sources get the US data?
He overdosed on surplus soy beans in an attempt to boost the prices. That makes reasoning difficult
Bwah, ha ,ha, digging even another grave, Pgl claims this: “I guess CoRev did not notice the six states he selected did not include either NY or NYC.” This was just below his copy of my list: “CA, Fl, NY, NJ, IL” . Not only is he a woeful analyst but he can not read with understanding.
It appears PGL couldn’t even follow the simple instructions or just didn’t understand them.
I pose this question is PGL actually Biden in disguise or afflicted with the same problems. He couldn’t even remember from one paragraph to the next.
Menzie, I do thank you for the link of sources for your preferred data.
Your preferred source uses 3 sources, ECDC and JHU, They have stopped using WHO data. From your source:
“Why we stopped relying on data from the World Health Organization
Unfortunately, on 18 March 2020, Situation Report 58 shifted the reporting cutoff time. With this change by the WHO comparability with earlier figures was compromised. There is now an overlap between the last two WHO data releases (Situation Reports 57 and 58) – the hours between midnight and 9am (CET) are reported in both reports due to the cutoff time change. ”
Who is clearky double counting and still in the middle of the 3 sources.
The lowest is ECDC, so if WHO is clearly over counting is ECDC under counting? The highest is JHU. If WHO is clearly over counting that further implies that JHU is also!
You might NOT have noticed that within, your reference it says JHU’s individual country sources: ” For city level case reports in the U.S., Australia, and Canada, which we began reporting on February 1, we rely on the US CDC, Government of Canada, Australia Government Department of Health and various state or territory health authorities.” BTW, looking at the JHU site it had 53 PAGES of data errata.
As for the ECDC they say this: “Underlying sources: Global data that ECDC obtains from multiple sources, such as websites of ministries and public health institutes” Presumably that is the US CDC for US data.
Next time you question others sources think! Next time you claim trolling think!
In answer to your question: “As we have been discussing this issue consistently for the past few months, does it make sense to rely on CDC fatality data to infer the most recent trend?” YES! Look like everyone else does. BTW, looking at the JHU site it had 53 PAGES of data errata. Putting faith in any of the Covid data is a crap shoot
CoRev: My understanding of “multiple sources” is that it is not restricted to CDC; understanding is that they use more than CDC data. OTHERWISE, OWID and CDC data would match.
I don’t usually use ALL CAPS, but for you, I believe it is necessary.
Menzie, saying: ” My understanding of “multiple sources” is that it is not restricted to CDC; Another way of looking at the situation is to realize that AS NEW VINTAGES OF DATA ARE RELEASED, THE CDC SERIES CONVERGES TO THE OWID SERIES, AND NOT VICE VERSA.
I don’t usually use ALL CAPS, but for you, I believe it is necessary.”
I find it amazing that after ACTUALLY COPYING THE DESCRIPTION OF THEIR SOURCES, YOU INSIST THAT THEY ARE DIFFERENT. Since US CDC is used by all sources. (Do you actually believe WHO doesn’t uses US CDC DATA?) Then the outlier source is JHU, also a USCDC user, then my interpretation is: AS NEW VINTAGES OF DATA ARE RELEASED, THE OWID SERIES CONVERGES TO THE CDC SERIES, AND NOT VICE VERSA.” THE USCDC DATA IS THE PARENT DATA. NOT OWID!
No one questions that all recent data is provisional, but assuming one data set is less so is fantastical. 53 pages of errata for the JHU data, the obvious OTHER source for OWID, does not necessarily add quality to the two sets. For some reason you equated larger numbers to accuracy.
You’ve well entered PGL-world in denying the current US trends. We conservatives well understand your need.
CoRev: Please read CDC
Menzie, what’s your point? I’ve read all of it and some parts several times. If you trying to show the Covid data sucks, well DUH! If you’re trying to say non-CDC US data is superior, we disagree.
Only manslaughter? Murder, mass murder, perhaps? When we hit a quarter million dead Americans, what does that mean? If covid donnie gets reelected, will we get to a million dead due to his malfeasance? Inquiring minds want to know.
Willie, am personally waiting for the definitive study on how TDS has affected the US death count. Most of the world has embraced prophylactic treatments for prior and early treatments. Here in the US they have been discouraged and even no use of some mandated by state governors.
As of 9/9 there were 99 studies (58 peer reviewed) of HCQ. The results need to be counted, but ~ 2/3 are positive.
Every comparison of world-wide results include the bulk of countries who use this and OTHER prophylactic remedies. Yet the TDS driven still argue against its and others prophylactics use.
How many have been killed in the US due to this irrationality?
If you wonder what conservative voters think of the Covid pandemic? Use this comment as a reference.
CoRev Did you notice that very few advanced countries use HCQ? You might want to ask yourself why that’s so. Second question, were these actually “peer reviewed” in the academic sense of the term, or were they “peer reviewed” in the MAGA hat sense of the term in which a few of like-thinking crackpots read each others papers and pat each other on the back? Bruce Hall gave us a list of so-called “peer reviewed” studies and it turned out that it was the latter and not “peer reviewed” in the true academic sense. You see a lot of that in the wingnut sphere.
Instead of wasting our time with a link and asking us to do your research for you, why don’t you actually read half a dozen of those papers that report positive results and sum up their findings and methods? I took a quick glance at a few of them and many were just observational studies and not rigorous clinical trials. One of them was based on an anecdotal story of a single patient!
2slugs, your interpretation of source materials is often interesting and always biased. I can think of many reasons the rich, advanced and pharma producing countries do not use it. Did you notice that China and Russia do?
The rest of your comment is just more biased gabble-fab.
CoRev In other words, you can’t be bothered to actually read the “studies” that you in your own link. Typical. If you wonder why liberals think conservatives are so dimwitted and intellectually lazy, then look in the mirror.
” I can think of many reasons the rich, advanced and pharma producing countries do not use it.”
i speak with doctors working with covid patients on a nearly daily basis. i can assure you, corev, that if we had a cheap, easy and effective solution, ALL of those doctors would be using it NOW. these folks are exhausted and need more support. unless you believe that the majority of medical personnel, especially those directly serving the covid patience, are part of some great conspiracy, then your views on hcq are simply misplaced. why you continue to promote something that the experts in the field have dismissed as a failure is beyond me.
2slugs, is joining PGL in lying. “CoRev In other words, you can’t be bothered to actually read the “studies” that you in your own link. Typical.” How could you have gotten that impression from my comment. As I said just more bias. Typical!
You seem to have a problem with observational studies. Did you feel the same as an OA? You folks do amaze.
Baffled, how many ?patience?s do your Drs. treat? Perhaps you missed the point that to follow the science you need to review all the science.
Why must all of you misinterpret what was said? “why you continue to promote something that the experts in the field have dismissed as a failure is beyond me.” I just cited the science.
CoRev: “patiences”? Really?
Menzie, just having fun as are you. How many times have you done this to me, as you just did? REALLY!
CoRev How could you have gotten that impression from my comment.
Okay, then tell us straight out. Have you read some (at least half a dozen) of those studies in your link? If not, will you read them? And after you’ve read them will you summarize their methods and findings? Are you sure they are “peer reviewed” in the academic sense of the term and not in the far right wingnut sense of the term?
You seem to have a problem with observational studies.
Do you understand the difference between an observational study and a controlled clinical trial? I don’t have a problem with observational studies if used appropriately. And “used appropriately” doesn’t mean drawing conclusions from the study. Observational studies are useful for guiding what are likely to be fruitful areas of research. They help inform appropriate subjects of future clinical trials.
Does the AstraZeneca COVID-19 potential vaccine cause transverse myelitis? Let’s hope not but this is why we should wait for the completion of phase III clinical trials.
The neurological disorder is characterized by inflammation of either one section or both sides of the spinal cord, according to the Mayo Clinic. It can lead to damage of the material covering nerve cell fibers, called myelin. The condition interrupts the signals the spinal cord nerves send in the body. In general, the cause of transverse myelitis is unknown, and in some cases there is no clear reason for a person falling ill. Infections affecting the spinal causes may trigger it, as well as problems with the immune system where the body’s tissue is attacked, and disorders involving myelin, like multiple sclerosis. Viruses including the flu, herpes, HIV, West Nile, Zika, Hepatitis B, mumps, measles, and rubella have been linked to the disorder. Bacterial infections like Lyme disease, tuberculosis, and syphilis are also associated with it. Symptoms can include pain, which can be different depending on which part of the spine is affected. Pain can start suddenly in the lower back. Transverse myelitis can also cause sharp shooting pains in the arms, legs, chest, or abdomen. Patients can experience numbness, tingling, coldness, or burning, become sensitive to the feel of clothing, or the extreme hot or cold. Some feel as though the skin of their chest, abdomen, or legs is being tightly wrapped. Symptoms also include heaviness in the legs, severe weakness, or paralysis. Those with transverse myelitis may also need to pee more often, experience urinary incontinence, or have problems emptying their bladder or bowels. The signs and symptoms can come on after a few hours or days and may continue to progress slowly over a period of weeks. Patients with the condition may be treated with medication and rehabilitative therapy, and most are able to make some form of recovery. In serious cases, it can cause major disabilities. The Mayo Clinic advises those experiencing the signs and symptoms of transverse myelitis to calling their doctor or seeking emergency medical care.
This is the risk of doing small patient size vaccine trials. It is difficult to pick up the rare adverse reactions. Clearly they will need to sort this one out to make sure it didn’t come from another health issue.
“to make sure it didn’t come from another health issue.”
Stupid questions.:
1) The best case would be that it comes from another health issue, correct?
2) And if 1 in 10000 vaccinated people got a myelitis, would this be the end of the vaccine? What would be acceptable, 1 in 100000?
I’d leave this to people who get biopharma. Trump leaves these questions to Dr. Kudlow and Jared.
So true. We need large trials even if that takes longer. But wait – unless this comes in time for Trump to abuse for reelection then Trump does not give a damn. He cares about only one person – himself.
Bob Woodward’s The Rage has lots of damning things in it but this has to be the one that will capture the headlines
Trump Admits He Lied About COVID-19 Threat In New Woodward Book – While Trump said publicly it would “just disappear,” he told journalist Bob Woodward that he knew coronavirus was “deadly stuff.”
But wait – we all know he was lying then and has continued to lie to us almost on a daily basis since. Of course our Usual Suspects have amplified Trump’s lies about this virus here literally on an hourly basis.
covid donnie seems to think Bob Woodward was the president at the time.
Barry Eichengreen is going to anger the Usual Suspects because he actually tells the truth:
The most dangerous phase of the COVID-19 crisis in the US may actually be now, not last spring. If the economy falters a second time, whether because of inadequate fiscal stimulus or flu season and a second COVID-19 wave, it will not receive the additional monetary and fiscal support that protected it in the spring….In fact, the more dangerous phase of the crisis in the US may actually be now, not last spring. While death rates among the infected are declining with improved treatment and a more favorable age profile, fatalities are still running at roughly a thousand per day. This matches levels at the beginning of April, reflecting the fact that the number of new infections is half again as high. Mortality, in any case, is only one aspect of the virus’s toll. Many surviving COVID-19 patients continue to suffer chronic cardiovascular problems and impaired mental function. If 40,000 cases a day is the new normal, then the implications for morbidity – and for human health and economic welfare – are truly dire. And, like it or not, there is every indication that many Americans, or at least their current leaders, are willing to accept 40,000 new cases and 1,000 deaths a day. They have grown inured to the numbers. They are impatient with lockdowns. They have politicized masks.
There is a lot more but let’s stop with these last lines because it seems Barry has been reading the comments here. And boy did he his nail Bruce Hall and CoRev.
He was lying as were sons Junior and Fredo, who had no problem referring to the virus as, yes, a hoax. Of course, both Junior and Fredo actually believed it was a hoax much the same as many Trumpers still do. All are united in the firm belief that Dad/Glorious Leader is working on a miracle cure to make it go away.
Actually Junior and Fredo did not care whether this was for real or was a hoax. All they care about is how much money daddy gave them this week. Of course it is not daddy’s money but rather the money grand daddy gave poppa.
Vote by mail could be a gigantic boomerang that could end up coming back and clobbering the Democrats, and the reason is this: the disqualification rate for mail-in ballots is very high compared to regular voting. There is a very key constituency within the Democrat Party, and that constituency is stupid people.
You raise a serious point, although you should keep in mind that it is clear that Trump supporters are documented to be much stupider, or at least much less well educated, than Biden supporters.
It is indeed the case that it looks like a much higher percentage of Dems are planning to vote by mail than GOPs, with this a pattern already in place in recent elections, but growing much larger this time around. Several observers, such as Faredd Zakaria in WaPo today, are pointing out that there is a high probability that because of this Trump will appear to be in the lead in the electoral college, if not the popular vote, as of election night before the mail-in ballots start getting counted. This can lay the groundwork for him to start making all kinds of challenges to counting the mailed ballots in key close states, especially those like Florida and Arizona that have GOP governors, with this then possible grounds for him to refuse to accept the results when the mailed results come in and tilt it to Biden. It may come down to SCOTUS Chief Roberts and the Secret Service to get Trump out, who may resist even calling in his badgeless personal “police,” quite asside from his racist militias,
As it is, I plan to vote in person to make sure my vote will get counted and immediately, despite any lines or health scares, and I urge other Biden supporters to do so as well, especially those in the swing states.
Barkley, we agree. Voting by mail is almost an assured disaster with the courts making the final determination.
CoRev: And Mr. Trump happily engages in this voting-by-mail…
It would not be quite so bad if Trump did not have his flunkie DeJoy in actually destroying USPS equipment and banning overtime and otherwise discombobulating the functioning of the USPS, with it already documented that this has slowed down normal mail delivery, which feeds into the tale Trump is working up to tell not to count such ballots (except for his, of course).
September 10, 2020 at 4:03 pm
2slugs, why all the irrelevance? I complained about PGL’s poor linking AND misstating its meaning.”
No troll – it is you that misrepresents what the links show. Take you link that allows one to show the 7-day moving average of daily deaths by state. I guess you had no clue how to use your own link as you tried to comment on NY and NYC but you showed only 6 other states. If you had the intelligence and integrity to show NY and NYC, they were very low – not higher than the rest.
OK Florida and Texas were very high (ran by Trumpian governors no doubt). Oh wait – you failed geography. You actually think NY State is Texas and NYC is Florida. Come on CoRev – buy a damn map.
CoRevSeptember 10, 2020 at 4:23 pm
‘This was just below his copy of my list: “CA, Fl, NY, NJ, IL” . Not only is he a woeful analyst but he can not read with understanding.’
CoRev is indeed the dumbest troll ever. Yes –this is what he typed in his comment but when I went to HIS link it had 6 not 5 states and none of them were NY. Had this lying moron included NY even his Mr. Magoo eyes would have seen how low the daily death count is in NY.
Of course CoRev denies he ever implied NY had a higher death count even though this was the clearly what he was saying.
CoRev is mimicking Trump as Trump now is claiming he never lied. I guess CoRev thinks he is also Churchill!
BTW – CoRev has become beyond pointless. Time to ignore his lying incoherent gibberish as he is a total waste of time.
PGL, I can’t stop laughing at your ignorance and reading comprehension. PGL is indeed the dumbest troll ever. Quoting you: “Yes –this is what he typed in his comment but when I went to HIS link it had 6 not 5 states and none of them were NY. ” Yup, I only listed 5 states to SELECT. If NYC is selected it is even WORSE. I know reading comprehension is difficult for too many on the left, but why did you not actually follow the directions?
I will highlight the meaningful parts for you, most probably will not need it. “Try this chart: Select deaths and states, CA, Fl, NY, NJ, IL to see the difference in death rates since the early E. Coast infections.” I know some of these complex computer concepts like pick list and drop down pick lists are difficult for anyone starting grade school, but a renowned analyst like you should have had no problem. RIGHT?
This has been fun tweaking the nose of such a snarky, arrogant A$$HAT.
I was going to leave this one alone for now given how utterly angry and worthless CoRev’s rants have become. But gee our host has put up a new post on this very issue. Cannot wait for CoRev to completely lose it again!
“When other nations are selected instead of those PGL CHERRY PICKED we can see a different story. THIS IS FROM THE SAME DATA SOURCE AND REPRESENTATION.”
CoRev at 10:22. Funny thing – I used CoRev’s own link and all the countries it brought up with no changes. Cherry picking CoRev? God – you really are a moron.
Repeatedly claiming this: “I used CoRev’s own link and all the countries it brought up with no changes.” God – you really are a moron. Going to a link and then FAILING TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON WHAT TO SELECTION CRITERIA TO USE will not bring up the same referenced data. Only some one desperate to preserve his ego after being shown he is wrong would repeatedly make this claim.
Since PGL, and his merry band of followers here, like to pick a single day to compare, I pick April 1, 20,
And since PGL then makes political statements from that comparison. I too can. Trump really. really did a good job in March and April.