6 thoughts on “July 2024 WEO Update Released

  1. pgl

    US projected growth seems to be twice that of Euro expected growth. I guess Art Laffer’s stupid standard has to concede that Bidenomics is wonderful – right? Oh wait – I already noted that Euro population growth is less than US population growth. And unlike Laffer I get the standard should be per capita income. Laffer does too? Really? Than this scumbag has been lying on Faux News about the 2017 tax cut. Go figure!

    Now our favorite MAGA moron Bruce Hall will note China’s projected growth is twice that of the US. And little Brucie boy told us that the Chinese and US economy are “comparable”. Like I said – Brucie boy is a moron.

  2. Macroduck

    In broadest terms, steady growth. That seems optimistic, but reasonable. It will not be the actual result, but that’s not a criticism of the forecast. The forecast gives us a look at what is possible, based on available resources. Shocks happen.

  3. Macroduck

    Off topic – what we know about the economic policy views of J.D. Vance:

    There is no particular reason to think Trump’s VP choice will influence policy, but he might. Beyond that, if he becomes VP, he’ll rise in the GOP power structure, so his ideas may gain force. Marktplace has asked CATO’s Scott Lincicome for a read on Vance’s economic views. Lincicome says Vance is a protectionist, an interventinist, and favors antitrust actions in the tech sector:


    Vance’s employment in the financial industry was brief and in any case wouldn’t necessarily improve his understanding of economics.

    In addition to what Lincicome has to say about Vance’s policy views, Vance has expressed support for unions and minimum wage law, straying from Republican orthodoxy, but in line with his hillbilly populism.

    1. pgl

      “Vance has expressed support for unions and minimum wage law, straying from Republican orthodoxy, but in line with his hillbilly populism.”

      And anti-trust too? Kevin Drum listened to that Teamster guy telling the Trump convention all sorts of progressive things and these champions of screw the worker were cheering him on. I think the entire convention is seriously drunk.

      1. Macroduck

        They aren’t evaluating what they hear. Anybody on that stage is one of them, so they cheer. Tribalism, some natural, some engineered.

    2. pgl

      In Bizarro RNC, unions are a beloved partner of the working man

      The headline speaker was Teamsters president Sean O’Brien and I felt like I’d been catapulted into a mirror universe. He started out with the obligatory shout out to Donald Trump as a great human being, which I suppose is the price of entry. Then he switched to a fairly conventional union leader speech—but with subtle changes. The enemies he named were “elites” and “the media,” not just big business, and that got the crowd cheering. Fine. But then he took direct aim at big corporations. They cheat and prevent workers from organizing. Big cheers. Amazon refuses to negotiate. Big cheers. We need to do away with right-to-work. Big cheers. The Business Roundtable and the Chamber of Commerce are the enemy. Big cheers. Unions are the only organizations that protect ordinary workers. Big cheers. And I’m sitting there wondering: do these people on the convention floor know that they’re Republicans? Because this is all stuff that Republicans have fought tooth and nail for decades. Organized labor is bad. The Chamber of Commerce is good. Freedom from union bosses is part of the Ten Commandments. As for right-to-work, Republicans wouldn’t support a union shop if Jesus descended from heaven and ordered them to. But no matter. They cheered for everything O’Brien said anyway. It was eerie. Do Republicans in the era of Trump even have any idea what they supposedly stand for?

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