On WisconsinEye: “The Economy on the Campaign Trail”

Mike Knetter and I joined Lisa Pugh for a conversation yesterday about the economy and the election. Here’s the video:




  • Your grade on the WI economy currently
  • voter disconnect on status of economy


  • Friday’s jobs numbers – what does it mean/what’s next
  • Impact of numbers on pres race/candidates



  • how a president or his or her administration impacts the economy


  • Harris proposal on price gouging
  • Trump Proposal – Tariffs
  • Are these populist promises? Likely to be implemented?



  • Former President Trump: make 2017 tax cuts permanent; reduce corporate tax rate. Who are winners/losers?
  • Vice President Harris: restore Child Tax Credit, new $6,000 credit for families with a newborn; tax cut for low-income individuals; increase the corporate tax rate. Who are winners/losers?



  • Concerns in the housing market?
  • What can any policy maker do to make things better?

4 thoughts on “On WisconsinEye: “The Economy on the Campaign Trail”

  1. pgl

    Great questions. I’ll listen to your discussion after I endure the Presidential debate where I expect really stupid questions from the moderators.

  2. Moses Herzog

    I strongly dislike “registering” on these type websites “in order to view content”. Damn it all anyway, As a Menzie Chinn fanboy I will go ahead and register (YT video only offers 90 seconds)

  3. Moses Herzog

    I’m gonna give the highest compliment I can give the “Menzie and Mike” show. I always learned more from print media that I do TV media. But this great show, with the attractive lady with the glasses is. I learned the same amount I normally learned from print media from the TV show. Just awesome. I loved all the special insights Menzie and Mike gave to us viewers, Especially what Menzie has to say (in a simple way) about “value chains” in international trade. Really really awesome. Thanks Menzie and Mike and thanks to the charming blonde host!!!


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