“Economists for Trump”

In 2020, list here.

  • Richard Agnello, Ph.D., University of Delaware

  • Marjorie Baldwin, Ph.D., Arizona State University

  • Charles F. Beauchamp, Ph.D., Mississippi College

  • Sanjai Bhagat, Ph.D., University of Colorado

  • Michael Bond, Ph.D., University of Arizona

  • Lawrence Brunner, Ph.D., Central Michigan University

  • Don Chance, Ph.D., Louisiana State University

  • Michael Cosgrove, Ph.D., University of Dallas

  • Allan DeSerpa, Ph.D., Arizona State University

  • Robert DeYoung, Ph.D., University of Kansas

  • Christopher Duquette, Ph.D., UC-Davis

  • Gary L. French, Ph.D., Nathan Associates Inc.

  • Richard J. Grant, Ph.D., Cumberland University

  • Earl Grinols, Ph.D., Baylor University

  • Paul Gregory, Ph.D., University of Houston (emeritus)

  • Kevin Hassett, Ph.D., Stanford University Hoover Institution and former Chair, White House Council of Economic Advisers

  • Arthur Havenner, Ph.D., University of California, Davis (Emeritus)

  • Daniel Heath, Georgetown University Law Center

  • Scott Hein, Ph.D., Texas Tech University (Emeritus)

  • Forrest E. Huffman, Ph.D., Temple University (Emeritus)

  • Ed Ireland, Ph.D., Texas Christian University

  • Thomas R. Ireland, Ph.D., University of Missouri (emeritus)

  • Jason P. Imbrogno, Ph.D., University of North Alabama

  • F. Owen Irvine, Ph.D., Michigan State University (Emeritus)

  • John D. Johnson, Ph.D, Utah State University

  • Christos Makridis, Ph.D., Arizona State University

  • Douglas R Kahl, Ph.D., University of Akron (Emeritus)

  • Alexander Katkov, Ph.D., Johnson & Wales University

  • Lewis B Kilbourne, Ph.D., Louisiana State University

  • Richard Kilmer, Ph.D., University of Florida (Emeritus)

  • Arthur B. Laffer, Ph.D., Laffer Associates

  • George Langelett, Ph.D., South Dakota State University

  • Bruce R. Lippke, Ph.D, University of Washington (Emeritus)

  • John R Lott, Jr., Ph.D., Crime Prevention Research Center (on leave)

  • Tim Loughran, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame

  • Donald Luskin, TrendMacro

  • Keith D. Malone, Ph.D., University of North Alabama

  • Yuri N. Maltsev, PhD, Carthage College

  • Steven C. Michael, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Robert D. Niehaus, Ph.D., Robert D. Niehaus, Inc.

  • Richard A. Palfin, Ph.D., Economic Analysis

  • Barry Poulson, Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder

  • R. L. Promboin, Ph.D., University of Maryland University College (former)

  • Andy Puzder, J.D., Senior Fellow, Pepperdine University School of Public Policy and former CEO, CKE Restaurants

  • Timothy P. Roth, Ph.D., University of Texas at El Paso

  • Paul H. Rubin, Ph.D., Emory University (emeritus)

  • John Ruggiero, Ph.D., University of Dayton

  • Ann E. Sherman, Ph.D., DePaul University

  • Robert F. Stauffer, Ph.D., Roanoke College (Emeritus)

  • Robert Tamura, Ph.D., Clemson University

  • Hrishikesh Vinod, Ph.D., Fordham University

  • Leon Wegge, Ph.D., University of California, Davis (Emeritus)

  • J. Gregg Whittaker, Ph.D., Archos Capital Partners

I haven’t been able to find a corresponding list in 2024. Any leads welcome.


52 thoughts on ““Economists for Trump”

  1. pgl

    I noticed the 3L’s: Laffer, Lott, and Luskin. The latter two are not economists and the former only plays one on the TV. Yea – that 2020 list was weak. It even featured Mr. DOW 36000.

      1. pgl

        Cafe Hayek? Hey dumba$$ – I’ve already called out this clueless partisan. Dude – try to keep up. Start by reading the paper I linked to that noted the oligopoly and oligopspony power of the big 4 in food processing. After all this is an economist blog.

        BTW I also called out your fake concern about beef prices. You are a fraud as well as an utter moron.

  2. Moses Herzog

    This sounds like a job for……. “Supeeeeeeer Degeneruuuuuuuuuht!!!!!!!!” [with time to waste]

    1. Macroduck

      Hey Moses,

      You know that article I linked to reporting that China is going to try to boost consumption? It occurs to me that Li Qiang, not Xi, announced the policy. That makes sense, since Li is recently “Mr. Economy” for China’s government. But Li is “Mr. Economy” mostly so Xi can duck responsibility for the economy.

      If boosting consumption doesn’t work out as hoped, I’m guessing “it’s all Li’s fault”.

      1. Moses Herzog

        I wager it is a big part of the reason Li was designated to announce that. Especially if Xi isn’t confident in his own mind it would work. I don’t have much doubt it WILL work (and I think you agree) unless they just really muff up the implementation royally. I mean, if nothing else they could query Micheal Pettis (he’d probably do it for free) on how to do it. And I wager Pettis or Krugman, or other people would advise them “off the record” if they are embarrassed that they asked for a westerner for help. Or advise Beijing “through distant channels”, however the proper way to phrase that is. But even western educated mainland Chinese economists could handle this one pretty easy, if they asked the right guys and didn’t do it based on cronyism.

        But you are dead on right, Xi won’t do anything without leaving himself “an out”. He’s as shallow as they make them.

  3. Moses Herzog

    It is worthy to note, as my very early hunt is drawing blanks, that prior list only came out late October, about 7 days before the election. It could stand to reason (I genuinely have no idea) that the timing of a 2024 list, might be the same—late October. Although there was also a 2018, which would make you think there should be a 2022 list. 2018 list was related to “agenda” but “agenda” and candidate support should align closely theoretically.

    Johnny Cuckrant of Grumpy fame is busy getting crotchety about all the things Harris did during her infamous years as Emperor of Rome late 3rd Century. it’s hard to argue that kind of deep logic, so I assume Cuckrant is pro-trump.

    1. pgl

      Grumpy’s THIRD long winded blog post FINALLY got around to actual economics with this:

      ‘Instead, she plans to unleash the mercies of regulatory agencies such as the FTC and SEC on companies for the ill-defined sin of “price-gouging,” charging “excessive prices that are unrelated to the costs of doing business.” Now we get to argue about costs. Sensible economics includes a cost of capital, i.e. some profit, and profit in good times to balance losses in bad times.’

      I noted earlier than even pre-pandemic, Tyson Foods were reaping in an incredible 40% return to capital. Now if Grumpy bothered to do any real work, he would have figured out that the cost of capital was a mere 8% at best. He after all says he is an expert in financial economics. So if Grumpy had decided to do real financial economics rather than being a snide SOB, he might have realized he just made the case for the Harris proposal to lower food prices.

      But shhh – don’t tell Bruce Hall as actual economics might ruin his weekend.

    2. Ivan

      Grumpy what a great nickname for Trump.

      Or maybe a children’s book. The Grumpy Trumpet Trumpy.

  4. Bruce Hall

    … and then there is this: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/impactful-saturday-august-17-2024 (I’m anxiously awaiting pgl’s snarky rebuttal).

    Perhaps Ms. Harris should concentrate on convincing us how she single-handedly managed the massive influx of illegal immigrants and prevented all of those unpleasant price increases. But wait! There’s more! She is going to cut taxes! Does that mean she is going to let the Trump tax cuts lapse and replace them with even bigger tax cuts? Hmmm. Still looking at the $35 trillion debt clock.

      1. pgl

        Most of what Brucie has made us endure is his usual babble. And then there is:

        ‘price controls on groceries to stop grocery-store ‘price gouging,’ which will cause shortages’

        I have put up several serious economic discussions relating to how there is significant market power among food processors. None of which our favorite economic Know Nothing has bothered to read.

        Brucie loves to complain about high beef prices but when it comes to serious economic proposals to address this issue, Brucie feeds us stupid rants such as this one. Yea – he is nothing more than a Trumpian fraud.

      2. Moses Herzog

        So Bruce has a fondness for bi-polar lawyers?? Huh……

        This Childers is so bipolar, he makes Alex Jones sound lucid.

        1. Bruce Hall

          Aren’t all lawyers bi-polar? And does that make any difference? There are some who argue that there is a connection between genius and being bi-polar. Of course, there are some that make the connection between autism and genius. And then there are some who have delusions of grandeur and think they are geniuses (eh, pgl?).


          Of course, I think that’s all pure speculation and probably right-wing, Christian-nationalist propaganda. So pgl’s snarky comments are spot on.

          Oh, wait. Damn. I linked to Axios, another source of right-wing, Christian-nationalist propaganda. So sorry.

          1. pgl

            Elon Musk’s excuse is Asperger’s – fine. What’s your excuse for being such a worthless know nothing troll? Oh yea Faux News disease. Got it!

      3. Bruce Hall

        Ah, once again, dismiss the argument because you don’t respect the guy who wrote it. Well, in this case it didn’t matter who wrote the article, the point was being made all over the internet by anyone with a lick of common sense: Kamala Harris’ major economic proposal was absurdly stupid. Of course, I had a bit of fun posting it for pgl to make a snarky comment, but surprisingly you beat him to it.

        I’m not sure why you would bring Dr. Curry into a discussion about Kamala Harris or COVID, especially since the link has nothing to do with her views on either. Maybe there is something that progressives are drinking that comes up with muddled thinking and statements. But hey, try reading her book (which is about the response to climate change, not federal price controls or keeping kids out of school for a year… and that worked out so well)… or not. I don’t expect economists to be all that well educated in atmospheric sciences, but I do expect a certain amount of honesty and ad hominem attacks are pretty dishonest as an effort to avoid the issues.

        Regardless, Ms. Harris is also pushing for more tax cuts for lower income people. Is that on top of the Trump tax cuts? https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/16/politics/harris-middle-class-tax-cuts-economic-policy/index.html
        Wasn’t there a big IRA that was supposed to make everyone earn more (and presumably pay more taxes)? How about down payments made for new home buyers? Tax less; spend more? Oh, corporations (those price gougers) will pay more taxes (and not raise prices). Maybe Ms. Harris has been inhaling too much CO2. It’s hard to find a group to which she has not been pandering. Oddly, she proclaims that she is going to address all of the problems not addressed by the –Harris Administration in the past 3-1/2 years in which she has been second in command. Was no one taking her seriously all that time? All the those great ideas of hers were ignored?

        Yeah, the Democrats seem to be willing to vote for a mannequin so it hasn’t been too much of a strain on Ms. Harris to reach that level.

        1. pgl

          No moron – his “argument” was pathetically stupid on its face. We then was wondering what kind of moron would write this trash. Dude – answer the question I posed. Since you have clearly rotted your brain with this nonsense and you refuse to engage in economics, you have proven without doubt that you are the dumber troll ever. So why try so hard to prove the obvious – we get you are idiot already.

        2. pgl

          “Ms. Harris is also pushing for more tax cuts for lower income people. Is that on top of the Trump tax cuts?”

          Dude – this is clearly a lie. She wants to get rid of tax cuts for the rich. And since you are a worthless moron – you are nowhere near getting a $400,000 income.

          BTW – where’s your defense of Trump telling people that tariffs have no effect on anyone in the US. Dumber than hell but just your style.

        3. pgl

          Harris on Friday took aim at Trump’s economic proposals — particularly his calls for 10% to 20% tariffs on imported goods, costs that experts say companies would pass on to consumers by raising prices. The vice president said Trump’s proposals would “devastate the middle class, punish working people and make the cost of living go up for millions of Americans.” “He wants to impose what is in effect a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities that we import from other countries. That will devastate Americans. It will mean higher prices on just about every one of your daily needs. A Trump tax on gas. A Trump tax on food. A Trump tax on clothing. A Trump tax on over-the-counter medication,” Harris said. “At this moment when prices are too high, he would make them even higher.”

          Your link Brucie boy. And she’s 100% right. Oh wait – Trump is telling people that no American will pay this tax. Come on Brucie – we await your defense of the moronical trash from your boy Trump.

        4. Menzie Chinn Post author

          Bruce Hall: Look, if your doctor believes in water dowsing as a means of finding water, are you more or less likely to take his/her advice on blood pressure medicines?

    1. pgl

      Hey dumba$$. She has been clear. Higher taxes on high income people to pay for tax cuts for lower income people. A simple idea. But no – little Brucie has to mock what he cannot grasp with little stunts that would embarrass most two year olds. You are nothing more than a retarded joke.

      1. Bruce Hall

        Okay, but since the higher income people are paying most of the federal income taxes, shouldn’t they have some say about the prolific spending of the -Harris Administration? Not, apparently, according to “progressive’ thinking. Shut up, pay, and do as we say.

        Of course if your goal of is the socialist utopian ebb tide which lowers all ships, then tax away. I’m sure Kamala Harris will spend it wisely /s. The more well-off are a minority so they have to bend to the will of the majority… just pay your “fair share”… ours should be nothing.

        1. pgl

          Gee – Bruce Hall does not realize there are payroll taxes or state and local taxes. Brucie – your comment has been mocked for over a generation. Can you at least try to stay current? Damn!

        2. pgl

          Hey Brucie – we see you could not even read the title of the first graph of your first link? Could you once READ your own damn links?

          Now your second link is a real laugh. I guess you are afraid that your KKK buddies will soon be the minority so they cannot discriminate against brown and black people anymore. MAGA!

    2. pgl

      Your moronic blogger wrote this?

      “increased taxes on ‘corporations’ to pay for it all, which since corporations do not actually pay taxes but only collect taxes from consumers, means higher prices for everything.”

      If someone gets the incidence of this tax so incredibly wrong, WTF would anyone with a brain read his trash? Oh wait – Brucie has no brain. Never mind. And yea – the “corporate” media as he noted bashed a plan to reduce oligopoly power because this bought and paid for reporters cannot admit the existence of market power. Oh wait – little Brucie hasn’t bothered to READ that actual economic analysis of the food processing sector. Typical lazy ignorant Trump troll.

      1. Bruce Hall

        pgl, I’m presuming you were never in a business environment if you think that businesses will simply cut their gross/net margins because they are taxed more. Do you really believe grocery prices will come down if Archer Daniels Midland are taxed more? C’mon man!

        1. pgl

          Bruce Hall with another gold medal at writing stupid comments! Now if our dumbest troll actually tried reading what I have said on this issue, it is about using the FTC to generate a more competitive market and not taxation. ADM is part of an oligopoly after all.

          Oh wait – I used a term little Brucie does not understand. Fine Brucie – now pay attention to your parents and learn to tie your shoe laces.

      1. Bruce Hall

        Right on cue. Thanks pgl. Made my day.

        Yeah, you can think what you want about Childers; I don’t really care. I just wanted your knee jerk reaction. You conveniently ignored what his post was about and referencing.

        Need I provide you with more?

        1. Moses Herzog

          Bruce has become like PeakTrader and CoRev, and Ed Hanson and Sammie now. There’s no saving him. He cannot decipher fact from fiction. There’s no use in calling fire engines for Bruce, just let the fire burn itself out. Let him go on.

          I think Steven Kopits is very self-aware most things he says are lies (which arguably from a moral standpoint is worse than what Bruce does). Bruce is so far gone he actually believes the sewer water he’s selling in little bottles is Nyquil.

          1. pgl

            CoRev may be dumber than rocks but at least he knows ArcherDanielMidlands is not a food processor. Brucie I guess does not know the difference from making seeds and slaughtering chickens. Yea – Brucie is THAT DUMB!

        2. pgl

          Can you be more dishonest? I have provided a lot on the actual economics on this issue. You have ducked each and every one of my comments preferring to waste our time with your childish little tantrums. We would ask you to grow up but your mommy says you are hopeless.

        3. pgl

          I read all three of your worthless links and all of them were talking about the grocers such as Costco. None of them addressed the oligopoly power among the food processors. Now I get you are too stupid to get the difference even as I have repeatedly noted that this is the real issue.

          Hey Bruce – we get your IQ is in the single digits. Relax. Have a beer and enjoy a baseball game. You do not have to try so hard to prove the obvious – we all know your are the dumbest creature God ever created.

    3. 2slugbaits

      Bruce Hall convincing us how she single-handedly managed the massive influx of illegal immigrants

      I can only guess where you get your misinformation, but Harris’ remit was to improve the situation in the Central American triangle countries. At the time most of the immigrants were coming from those three countries. And she was successful. Very few of today’s immigrants are coming from that region. She worked the problem at the source rather than the idiot MAGA approach, which was to inhumanely strand thousands on the Mexican side of the US border. Trump’s approach did not solve the problem, it just made it Mexico’s problem. That’s the kind of simple minded myopic “solution” we’ve come to expect from the dimwitted MAGA crowd. Today’s immigrants are largely coming from Venezuela and China, not Central America.

      and prevented all of those unpleasant price increases.

      Do you know anything about economics? Do you know the difference between supply shocks and demand shocks? Would you prefer deflation to manageable inflation? Are you so ignorant of basic economic data that you don’t know how the US economy has fared compared to other developed economies?

      Still looking at the $35 trillion debt clock.

      And you believe Trump’s announced policies will lower inflation and shrink the growth in government debt??? Are you that stupid? Trump is the one pushing for tax cuts for the rich. Trump is the one proposing an across-the-board 10 percent tariff. Trump is the economic ignoramus who thinks “energy independence” would result in lower oil prices. I don’t agree with all of Harris’ economic proposals, but offhand I can’t think of a single item in Trump’s plan that’s anything other than braindead stupid.

      1. pgl

        Thanks for this. I sometimes worry about Brucie. After all, he spends all day listening to Faux News and refuses to take any economics at all. But if that does not make him dumb enough, he searches far and wide for people who write totally insane trash which he just repeats.

        Since it is well established that Bruce Hall has already achieved the Stupidest Man Alive category, one has to wonder why he works so damn hard to become even dumber.

        1. 2slugbaits

          pgl Bruce Hall tends to make quick drive-by snarky comments and then runs away and hides when challenged. He rarely even attempts to defend the nonsense that he posts. He’s probably not inherently stupid, but he says a lot of stupid things because he lacks the discipline to actually learn grown-up economics. Instead, he relies upon intuition, which is invariably wrong. Proper economics is hard, which is why it takes a lot of formal training to get beyond the kind of man-on-the-street econobabble that people like Bruce Hall parrot from junk talking head shows and junk journalists. If all you needed to understand economics was intuition, then there would be no need for professional economists.

      2. Bruce Hall

        2slug, yeah, Kamala Harris has achieved… hmmm… give me a few weeks and I’ll come up with something.

        1. 2slugbaits

          Bruce Hall I believe it would take you a few weeks to come up with something. You always were the slow (“special”) kid in the class.

        2. pgl

          August 17, 2024 at 5:24 pm

          Read this over and over you lying worthless slime. He has you down cold.

    4. Macroduck

      Ms. Harris? Hasn’t she been elected to public office?

      You think ignoring her accomplishments makes those accomplishments go away? You think linking to right-wing polemicists proves anything? Sad little man. Stop hiding behind this bitter hit-and-run nonsense and make an actual argument. If you can.

  5. Ivan

    Economists supporting tax cuts for the rich and corporations.

    You could also call them economists who still believe that one day the trickle down economic concept will prove itself as something more and better than just “rich people pissing on the poor” – and laughing all the way to the bank.

    1. pgl

      Jeff Childers – who is Bruce Hall’s Christian COVID denier and incompetent lawyer – will tell you tax cuts for the rich are completely captured by consumers in the form of lower prices for goods. This is up there with Kudlow’s claim that steep tariffs on imported good will not raise prices as corporations will gladly slash their profit margins. MAGA!

        1. pgl

          Dude – you noted this earlier and I responded to it. Once again read:

          August 17, 2024 at 5:24 pm

          You are a spineless lying little toad. Please go pollute some other blog. Damn!

  6. pgl

    Mike Lindell vows his visit to Democratic Convention will ‘flip Democrats’ to Trump

    MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said he would take his crusade against voting machines to the Democratic National Convention (DNC), where he hopes to “flip Democrats” to voting for former President Donald Trump. During an interview on the War Room podcast over the weekend, Lindell falsely praised Trump as the “great real president.” “Well, like our great real president always tells me, he says, Mike, he goes, you get these big applauses, but that’s cuz the people want what I’m trying to get to,” Lindell explained. “They want secure elections, everybody does.”

    AND Mikey will try to sell them his worthless pillows and smelly slippers. I would have said Mikey was the nuttiness person ever but then he is not even close to JD Vance or Bruce Hall’s Christian COVID denier. MAGA!

    1. pgl

      “The transformation of the White House into a vector of a deadly pathogen has done little to change the approach of an administration that has been determined to downplay the coronavirus for months. Trump used his personal experience with the disease — which twice knocked his oxygen levels down significantly and required him to be hospitalized and injected with several drugs — to again play down its severity. “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Monday afternoon, three days after he was transported there for treatment. “We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!””

      Yea but he was wearing a mask! The horrors.

      Seriously – he almost died. Had he not gotten world class treatment he would have died. The rest of us should be so lucky. I guess it did not bother him that he gave COVID to Chris Christie and others. Yea – he is that damn self centered.

  7. pgl

    We are enduring a flurry of ill informed knee jerk reactions to the Harris proposal to reduce certain food prices. It’s not just our stupid press but even some economists who have not done a lick of real research. One of the press stories note this paper:

    The Economics of Price Controls JEC REPUBLICANS, SEPTEMBER 2022

    Now maybe you have not read the trash that the Republicans in the Joint Economic Committee typically write but I have and it is worse than the trash we get from the likes of Stephen Moore and Lawrence Kudlow. I read this too as the overarching assumption in all of its babble is that markets are perfectly competitive. Catch their lead example:

    Price controls on prescription drugs—such as those imposed by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022—stunt pharmaceutical innovation, imposing large, long-run costs on Americans that outweigh the short-run benefits of lower prices.

    Now if one thinks the market for pharmaceutical goods is perfectly competitive – then you are dumber than a retarded rock. There is only one mention of food – during World War II. I guess these Republicans were not paid enough by Tyson Foods to put in a real effort. Speaking of Tyson Foods – the food processing sector is a prime example of market power both in terms of the markets they sell into and in terms of how they purchase goods from farmers. But our dear JEC Republicans could not be bothered with this reality.

  8. pgl

    I just read a very dishonest discussion of prices from the right wing rag known as the Washington Examiner. Yea – it lied about bacon prices. What’s new? But it had to tell you that egg prices are out of control. They cite the increase over the past 12 months which is cherry picking in the extreme. Yea egg prices are volatile to let’s look at their prices over the past 24 months:

    Average Price: Eggs, Grade A, Large (Cost per Dozen) in U.S. City Average

    Wow – up all of 1 cent per egg! HYPERINFLATION!

    1. 2slugbaits

      pgl This morning I went to the store and bought a dozen large eggs at $1.99.

      Egg prices temporarily shot up due to bird flu, which saw millions of birds having to be killed. That’s called a supply shock. I hope voters aren’t so stupid that they think Kamala Harris is responsible for bird flu….but then again, half of the electorate has an IQ under 100. That would be the MAGA half of the electorate.

      1. pgl

        Exactly but remember – Bruce Hall paid $12 for the same dozen. His grocer sees Brucie coming and figures he is dumber enough to pay that much!

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