Hovde on Impending Mass Layoffs, Disinflation vs. Deflation, and “Illegals” (His Word, Not Mine)

See on WisconsinEye.

He links illegals to fiscal burden on the state, and crime. I also think he is arguing for a policy of deflation (in his discussion of how inflation is not “whipped”).



22 thoughts on “Hovde on Impending Mass Layoffs, Disinflation vs. Deflation, and “Illegals” (His Word, Not Mine)

  1. pgl


    On Thursday, the Harris-Walz campaign released a lengthy video of Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz having a one-on-one conversation about their interests, lives, and past careers — and their culinary preferences.
    “Like, I have white guy tacos,” Walz tells Harris at the beginning of the conversation. “What does that mean? Like mayonnaise and tuna?” Harris asks.
    Walz clarifies that it’s basically “ground beef and cheese.”
    “Black pepper is the top of the spice level in Minnesota,” he joked.

    Hey my attempts to do Mexican food are only slightly better. But wait!

    “The exchange was some harmless fun between two running mates, but to Republicans scrambling to find a new line of attack against the affable Walz, the revelation that Walz isn’t too keen on capsaicin and his characterization of Minnesota cuisine as spiceless was nothing less than a blatant example of anti-white racism and stereotyping.”

    Oh my effing god – how stupid can MAGA morons be? Look – if racist Trump was not so hell bent on deporting BROWN people, my Walz and I could have someone who gets tacos to help us out. Trump-Vance has to be the dumbest most racist ticket ever.

    1. Moses Herzog

      Packaged tamales from Texas are the way to go. 35 seconds in 1100 watt microwave, flip, 35 seconds on other side of tamale. DONE!!! Geez, I have to give away all my secrets to clue you people in!?!?!? Best with at least 2 “tall boy” cans of dark Modelo beer. But soda pop will do in a jam.

      South Texas in a motor home is the way to go if you wanna get serious about it. San Antonio, El Paso, etc/

      1. Ivan

        Uncle Moses ! – don’t ever put soda pop in your Jam, that would be weird!

        But the kind of stupid things the GOPsters use to attack Harris-Walz is entertaining – both for its stupidity and its desperation.

  2. pgl

    Listening to a recap of Trump’s grand plan to “rapidly” lower consumer prices, which amounts to a singular policy proposal. A massive tariff on imported goods, which of course RAISIES consumer prices. Yea and you wondered why Bruce Hall makes such utterly stupid comments.

    BTW – England tried to rapidly lower prices over a century ago which led to a massive recession. Do not, I repeat do not let an idiot like Trump have a say in monetary policy

    1. Macroduck

      Taxing economic rents. An idea as old as Ricardo. Some years back, a commenter here regularly pushed that idea – don’t remember his name. The article limits it to land, but there’s no need to. The same idea applies to monopoly rents.

  3. Macroduck

    Off topic – China has at last decided boosting personal income in order to boost consumption is a good idea:


    Saying and doing are different things, but at least there is now official acknowledgement of what economists have been saying for years.

    The domestic press had prepared the ground ahead of the announcement:


    A swing to increased household income and consumption doesn’t solve China’s structural problems, but can keep those problems from piling up so fast. In fact, China’s structural problems make any policy effort, whether aimed at consumption, investment or trade, more difficult. Rebalancing is needed, but won’t be easy.

    1. Moses Herzog

      I knew the whole household demand thing was eventually going to come to loggerheads. Finally Xi’s favorite mistress withheld sex from him for two whole months. Whew!!! Glad that’s over with.

      1. Macroduck

        Xi isn’t much good at economics, which leaves him with preconceived notions and the weight of opinion. Preconceived notions finally caved. Could be the weight of opinion included girlfriends.

        Now what? If Xi doesn’t understand what to do, is he going to hand economic policy to someone who does? Is he going to emulate Trump, adopting the view of the last person he meets with? Meddling in policy when you don’t have a clear plan leads to thrashing around, friction and failure.

        Apparently, Vietnam’s new guy is modeling himself after Xi. Probably not good for Vietnam.

        1. Moses Herzog

          All solid points. [shrugs shoulders] At least Vietnam makes good coffee.

          China is fun to watch though, in a semi-jaded way.

  4. Moses Herzog

    Let’s give Hovde some credit now!!!! Give the man some credit!!!! The man sure does know how to bait and “reel in” his illiterate barely got out of high school white trash constituency, doesn’t he?? I mean no matter how tired and worn out that masterstroke is, Hovde knows his masterstroke. [edited for content-MDC]

      1. Moses Herzog

        I said “on other days Hovde adds to his butterfly collection”.

        I should apologize to Menzie for defiling his blog (no sarcasm there) but people like Hovde make my blood boil. I think Hovde makes Prof Chinn angry also, but Menzie has better self-control than me.

  5. David S

    I’ve been doing some pearl clutching since I found out about this thing called “Walking Tacos” or Taco-in-a-Bag. This represents the nadir of American cultural appropriation. I’m glad I live on the East Coast where I’m protected from these traditions of the American Heartland.
    We all know that Biden has been strangling domestic oil production, so why has the price of gas been dropping?

    1. Moses Herzog

      The east coast doesn’t participate in cultural appropriation!?!?! Which Sbarro’s, Panda Express dumpster do you call your home?? Kenny Rogers Roasters style cuisine came from which New York borough bright guy?? Snort while lifting your nose up, hike your britches high and rhyme that one out for me. You snobs are a laugh riot.

  6. pgl

    Trump has called those who served “suckers and losers”. We all get that. But this?

    Trump deflects responsibility on Yemen raid: ‘They lost Ryan’

    ‘President Donald Trump avoided accepting responsibility Tuesday for the first American military death under his administration, unceremoniously suggesting “they lost” William “Ryan” Owens. Owens, a 36-year-old Navy SEAL, died last month during an intelligence-gathering raid in Yemen.’

    Owens was a highly decorated Navy SEAL – a decoration Trump recently downgraded. After all those who give him a lot of money but never served are more honorable than Trump as they never got shot. But to deny any responsibility is not exactly being the Commander in Chief. Let’s see if faux Marine JD Vance can defend this.

  7. pgl

    Oh gee – Trump toadie and Mr. DOW 36000 is making the right wing talk shows again!

    Former White House economist warns Harris’ agenda could ‘shut down’ the entire US economy

    A former White House economist is sounding the alarm on Vice President Kamala Harris’ economic agenda after former President Trump warned the U.S. would suffer a “1929-style depression” under a Harris presidency. “My guess is that a lot of the things she said in the past about what she really wants to do, like the Green New Deal, for example… getting carbon-neutral by 2030 – all that kind of stuff would cause a deep recession toward carbon,” Kevin Hassett told “The Big Money Show” Thursday. “Carbon-neutral by 2030 is almost impossible. 75% of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels. So how are they going to do that if they try it? That you’re just going to have to shut down the economy?

    I had thought no one could be dumber than Bruce Hall but Kevin Hassett managed to pull that off!

  8. pgl

    A follow-up on the snide Grumpy Economist John Cochrane who is now up to 3 long winded rants attacking the Kamala Harris plan to reduce food prices. I have been noting how food processors like Tyson Foods have oligopoly as well as oligopsony power – neither of which Cochrane bothers to admit. But this jerk finally got around to actual economics:


    Instead, she plans to unleash the mercies of regulatory agencies such as the FTC and SEC on companies for the ill-defined sin of “price-gouging,” charging “excessive prices that are unrelated to the costs of doing business.” Now we get to argue about costs. Sensible economics includes a cost of capital, i.e. some profit, and profit in good times to balance losses in bad times.

    Look I get that those 12% plus profit margins for 2021 and 2022 may have been above what Tyson Foods normally receives so I looked at their financials pre-pandemic. Tyson Foods had operating margins near 8% but their tangible asset to sales ratio was just under 20%. So their return to capital was a whopping 40%. Now Cochrane pretends to be a financial economist so maybe he has some junk science that says the cost of capital for a food processor should be 40%. But most serious financial economists I know would put this cost at capital at something less than 10%. Alas Cochrane is too busy being his usual snide self to write anything of substance on the economic issues.

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