Hovde Predicts Recession

As of Wednesday (via WisPolitics):

“Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz visiting do-nothing Sen. Baldwin in Wisconsin is a preview of what the next four years could look like: defund the police and let cities burn, decimate farmers with the Green New Deal, and open borders that flood our streets with deadly drugs — all as a recession takes hold. Sen. Baldwin needs to go; it’s time for a change.” – Hovde spokesman Ben Voelkel

See also here.

22 thoughts on “Hovde Predicts Recession

  1. Moses Herzog

    Gotta love those big bankers with such deep love for their community with a mansion on the west coast. They’re “doing it for the children”.

  2. pgl

    “Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz visiting do-nothing Sen. Baldwin in Wisconsin is a preview of what the next four years could look like: defund the police and let cities burn, decimate farmers with the Green New Deal, and open borders that flood our streets with deadly drugs — all as a recession takes hold. Sen. Baldwin needs to go; it’s time for a change.” – Hovde spokesman Ben Voelkel

    Does Ben Voelkel also write that weirdness for Trump-Vance?

    1. Moses Herzog

      1. False Statements 2. Instill fear 3. “I am the only answer”

      1. False Statements 2. Instill fear 3.”I am the only answer”

      1. False Statements 2. Instill fear 3. “I am the only answer”

      Ad infinitum. Hitler/donald trump/Hovde~~Different day, Same old Republican playbook. With some photos of a gun, a flag, and a Bible they never read, set together on a table. It works on illiterates like Bruce Hall every time.

      1. pgl

        Remember “only Nixon can go to China”? The 50th Anniversary of when “I’m not a crook” resigned!

  3. Baffling

    As if losing to harris is not embarrassing enough, trump has now come to an understanding that is tearing him apart. Trump is now considered boring. And that is his greatest fear. Because then he becomes irrelevant. Trump is becoming like the old football star who stayed one year too long. Thats what happens when you are too old.

    1. Macroduck

      Democrats have turned the “too old” accusation around pretty handily. The latest iteration of “too old” is “Ttump’s being out hustled”. Harris and Walz are holding campaign events every day. Trump has held only five since the convention, whole losing ground in the polls. Democrats are pointing out the contrast.

      Problem for Trump now, like Joe before, is that when you’re on the defensive, attacks just land better. Cat lady? Flopped. Not black? Flopped. Weird? Landed. Couch? Ouch.

      To repeat myself, the press needs a change in the story every few weeks. The easiest new story to think of is “making a come back”, and Republicans (the ones who haven’t already abandoned Trump) will gladly feed that story. But that doesn’t have to be the new story. Debates run pretty quickly into early voting. The world keeps turning, which means Joe remains part of the story; the prisoner swap was nicely done, and there will be more things, good and bad, that will spill from the real world into the election. Trump will face more “criminal” headlines ’cause he’s a criminal. More “looking tired/desperate/old” headlines, too, at least for a while.

      1. baffling

        you saw the weird dude who confronted the empty airplane? trump and vance are quickly becoming a joke on a scale that will be difficult to overcome. vance in particular simply exudes “fairness”. vance is weird and trump is creepy. helps to explain why his rally’s have been so small. people are becoming embarrassed to be associated with a joke. even trumps own supporters have tried to shoot him. and did I mention, he is becoming BORING?

    2. Macroduck

      Speaking of turning things around, Ukraine has gone on the offensive in Russia. Taking ground. Threatening natural gas infrastructure. Sending drone swarms. Seems to have taken Russia by surprise.

      Not that I’m all that clever about military stuff, but I’m guessing this is meant to force Russia to devote resources to defense at home that otherwise would have been in Ukraine. There has been a good bit of talk about a drift toward peace negotiations, and putting Russia under pressure will probably change the complexion of any talks. “You want the bits you occupy? We’ll keep the bits we occupy” seems a decent gambit.

  4. Macroduck

    Off topic – housing bottleneck:


    Both parties have identified the use of federal land for housing development as a solution to the housing shortage. That’s a first step toward actually doing something.

    On the other hand, there was a bipartisan immigration, written mostly by Republicans, which failed earlier this year because Trump wanted a political issue more than a solution. So I can imagine fighting about releasing federal land, rather than actually releasing it, for quite some time.

    There is a lot of federal land, most of which isn’t near population centers. There are lots of population centers with housing shortages which aren’t near much undeveloped federal land. So this could be a solution, but is hardly “the” solution, to the housing shortage.

  5. baffling

    so here is the deal, as far as I am concerned. I don’t mind a candidate or spokesperson talking up his actions, yadayadayada. but this habit, exponentially grown since the advent of trump, of willfully making up a false world about your opponent, simply has to stop. this angry attitude and complete disrespect for the truth simply needs to end. there is nothing accurate in that statement by voelkel at all. absolutely no respect for honesty and the truth, just like trump.

    1. pgl

      During his press thingie yesterday at Maro Lago, Trump often moved his hand in and out while talking. One reporter appreciated it as the reporter noted that when Trump is moving his hands in that manner, it is a signal that he is blatantly lying.

      1. pgl

        Great video. Loved this comment:

        Mother Teresa would not have incurred these charges, just sayin’.

  6. James

    As a Wisconsinite – (who actually lives in the state – unlike Hovde who has been communing here from California) – I have been envious of the progressive policies that I have seen in Walz’s Minnesota while WI has to contend with the regressive policies imposed on us by the WIGOP – Catherine Rampell does a great job reporting on how the majority of Americans like progressive policies and these policies provide many economic benefits – Make America Minnesota Already – https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/08/08/walz-minnesota-democratic-party-progressive-policies/
    So – no – Mr Hovde I don’t want to go back to your 1890s view of women’s Reproductive health care and your robber baron economic ideas. I will be voting for Senator Baldwin. Also as someone who does advocacy work for individuals with disabilities – I find Mr Hovde’s view that people in long-term care facilities should not be voting extremely insulting. https://www.cbs58.com/news/us-senate-candidate-eric-hovde-suggests-most-seniors-shouldnt-vote

  7. baffling

    Georgia gov brian kemp is a cuckold. he simply let trump walk into his house and have his way with him. maybe he enjoys the humiliation? at any rate, Georgia, do you really want somebody leading your state that will not stand up and defend themselves and their family? that will simply lay down and accept the humiliation and obedience? hey brian kemp, you think this subservient behavior will make trump treat you any better? the country is littered with trump castaways. you are just another notch in the pole, kemp. you had an opportunity to be brave. you shrank from the pressure.

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