One Year Ahead CPI Inflation Expectations down in July for Consumers, Firms, Economists

Last one for August (from Survey of Professional Forecasters).

Figure 1: Year-on-year actual CPI inflation (bold black), and expected inflation from University of Michigan (red), NY Fed (light green), Survey of Professional Forecasters (blue +), Coibion-Gorodnichenko SoFIE mean (sky blue squares), and unit cost growth rate (chartreuse), all in %. Source: BLS, U.Michigan via FRED, NY FedPhiladelphia FedAtlanta FedCleveland Fed, and author’s calculations.


2 thoughts on “One Year Ahead CPI Inflation Expectations down in July for Consumers, Firms, Economists

  1. pgl

    Wait, wait. I have heard from a lot of the MAGA crowd and people on Fox News that inflation under Biden is running at 20% or more. So how can this be?

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