3 thoughts on ““Economists for Harris” vs. “Economists for Trump”

  1. Macroduck

    Harris – 405
    Trump – “over a hundred”

    Harris – all distinguished academics
    Trump – Mary Rosh

    And the presidential race is too close to call.

    Harris – prosecuted felons
    Trump – felon

    Harris – a lifetime of public service
    Trump – a lifetime of bankruptcy, adultery, insurrection, court action against his companies and himself, association with felons foreign and domestic.

    And still the presidential race is too close to call.

    Maybe Non Trampus has a point about our education system.

    1. pgl

      Kevin Hassett, Arthur B. Laffer, John R Lott, Jr., Donald Luskin to name a few hacks.

      What? Antoni, Kudlow, and Moore forget to sign?

      True story about the 2004 election. A group of eminent economists numbering 400 signed a letter supporting Kerry. Luskin being the lunatic he really is promised 401 Republican economists would sign a letter promising that his group would “beat up” the other 400. Now Luskin got only 250 people and many of them (including Luskin) were not economists. When that was pointed out – Luskin went on a tirade. But the little coward never stepped into the boxing ring as we know this loser could not beat up a 6 year old girl.

    2. Moses Herzog

      K-12 Not Trampus is largely correct. But that’s Republicans’ creation as well. Siphoning off public money for private schools too expensive for a working class family.


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