5 thoughts on “Gasoline Prices and Brent

  1. Moses Herzog

    It looks like station prices will lower tomorrow (if they haven’t already). Will probably pick some up with a couple papers. Still love flipping the papers through my fingers. Although the only thing really worth a damn in the major local paper is “the Funnies”.

      1. Moses Herzog

        It’s super hard to get a copy of that here. It used to be once upon a time there were a very very few news stands (like two maybe??) downtown metro that would have it, maybe Barnes and Noble and then I think the airport maybe had it. I don’t think you can by it in my city now. WSJ and NYT is about it now, or maybe USA Today.

  2. joseph

    There are two ways to look at that graph. One is to note the expected high correlation between crude and gasoline prices. The other is to note the rather curiously poor correlation between crude and gasoline prices. Consumers have often complained that gas prices rise quickly in step with crude prices but fall less quickly out of sync with crude prices.

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