Inflation: A Discussion in Milwaukee

A Main Street Agenda town hall meeting on inflation to be held today, Tuesday, Oct. 15, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Clinton Rose Senior Center, 3045 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Register here. American Press Institute/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/Wisconsin Public Radio/Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs. Livestreamed here.

Figure 1: CPI (bold black), CPI for East North Central region, seasonally adjusted by author using X-13 (green), and CPI-food at home (tan), all 2000=1.00. Source: BLS.

Update: Livestreamed here.




12 thoughts on “Inflation: A Discussion in Milwaukee

  1. Rick Stryker

    Let me save you some time.

    Wisconsin is essentially tied according the polls. The point of this town hall is to convince the public that inflation is no longer an issue, removing one bread and butter reason that people might have for voting for Trump.

    Don’t be fooled.

    The issue was not whether inflation was going to continue. It was eventually going to be nipped in the bud by the Fed, even at the expense of a recession, which fortunately hasn’t happened. The real issue is that Harris-Biden cynically exploited the inflation problem and the aftermath of Covid to usher in an orgy of spending to pay off their constituencies in an “Inflation Reduction Act” that had nothing to do with inflation. In doing so, they made the permanent increase in price levels worse and risked a recession when the Fed reacted, as they knew it would.

    Now, they want the voters to forget that irresponsible policy. All clear–inflation under control! But that’s not the issue. The issue is that they will use economic policy to help themselves at the expense of the public, just as they have in foreign policy with Israel and Ukraine. They will keep doing that over the next four years unless the voters return Donald Trump to the presidency.

    Wisconsin voters should use the time they would have wasted going to these town halls to vote early for Trump. In Wisconsin, your vote really matters. With Wisconsin in Trump’s camp, Kamala’s potential pathways to the presidency will be severely constrained.

    1. pgl

      Are you retarded or what? Even before these sensible people sit down and discuss an actual economic issue, here we have little Ricky Stryker going off on some partisan stupid rant.

      Look dude – we have not missed you in the least. So take a clue. Go away and never come back.

    2. Macroduck

      Wow. Not a single original thought! Rickie has repeated a whole bushel-basket of Republican talking points, without any effort to reconcile those talking points with reality.

      Rickie has also pretended that Democrats are especially likely to mislead the public, when fact-checking has, for decades, demonstrated that it is the Republican Party which most often distorts the truth…as Rickie has done right in front of us.

      Rickie, this isn’t a Trump rally. It isn’t faux news or Rogan. You’re outside the echo chamber here. Echo-chamber blather isn’t going to convince anyone who is still thinking for themselves.

  2. pgl

    James E. Causey, a columnist at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, will moderate the event. Panelists include:

    Dynasty Caesar, Senior Organizer for the Redress Movement in Milwaukee.
    Menzie Chinn, Professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs and Department of Economics at UW-Madison. His research examines economic developments within and between countries.
    J. Michael Collins, Professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs and School of Human Ecology at UW-Madison. He studies consumer decision-making, including credit, savings, and investment.
    Melody McCurtis, Deputy Director & lead Organizer of Metcalfe Park Community Bridges, a resident-led organization in the Metcalfe Park neighborhood on Milwaukee’s Northside.

    What? EJ Antoni was not invited? OK – it is a good thing he wasn’t.

    I’m sure this discussion will be informative.

  3. Macroduck

    Off topic – there’s a new geothermal in town:

    This is essentially a press release run through NPR. That’s what a lot of business reporting is. That observation aside, this looks like a pretty big win for alternative energy.

    The only indication of cost is that it’s more expensive than wind and solar energy. Total cost? Marginal cost? Still, looks like a big step in the right direction.

  4. Macroduck

    Off topic – Niel Gorsuch has written a book:

    “The book, however, is riddled with glaring factual omissions and analytic errors that seriously call into question its reliability and rigor. In its essence, the book is standard conservative political propaganda…It represents a remarkable attack by a sitting Supreme Court justice on the other two branches of government.”

    If I were to guess, I’d say it also represents an opportunity for right-wing organizations to funnel money to Gorsuch through appearance fees.

  5. Moses Herzog

    It states on the link the event is “sold out”. Any chance Wisconsin Public Radio will livestream the event and we could listen online??

      1. Moses Herzog

        I was thinking you wouldn’t answer. I apologize for thinking that in my head. Thanks Menzie, you are the best Thanks again.

  6. pgl

    Trump tells a reporter in Chicago that there was a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 elections. Of course he came up with some “Strange Things” remark whatever that means.

    Maybe we can get little Ricky Stryker to mansplain to us what the eff that means since little Ricky is Trump’s favorite strange thing!


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