We have weekly gasoline prices through week ending 9/30:
Category Archives: energy
14 Replies
Scary Movie: Pseudo-Economics Edition
EJ Antoni/Heritage presents this picture which should scare the beejeebus out of us.
The Net Petroleum Balance
In real dollars:
Gasoline Prices Down…
As recorded by EIA.
The Trend Break in CPI
Readers [1] [2] inquired why there appears to be a trend break in (log) CPI at 2022M06. My best guess is the spike in oil prices.
May 2024 Short Term Energy Outlook: WTI, gasoline prices
From EIA (May 7, 2024):
US Oil Production in 2023, Net Exports of Petroleum Products through 2024Q1
From EIA, and BEA NIPA:
Minutes of Work per Gallon of Gasoline, January 2024: 6.2
Divide the price of gasoline by average hourly earnings of private sector production and nonsupervisory workers:
Teaching Macro 2024
First time teaching undergrad macro (elective, after intermediate macro) in three years, so I thought time to revise the syllabus (Econ 442) to account for new issues (compare against Fall 2001).
EV and Hybrid Sales, thru December
EV’s flat. Hybrids up. From Kevin Drum.