Two years ago:
Category Archives: international
Russia Thanks MTG, RoJo and Everybody Else Who Held Up the Foreign Military Assistance Bill
From MilitaryLand and ISW, accessed today:
“Der Dollar bleibt König”
From FAZ:
Der Euro und der Renminbi können in ihrer internationalen Bedeutung nicht mit dem Dollar wetteifern. Die amerikanische Währung bleibt an den Finanzmärkten der Maßstab.
US Oil Production in 2023, Net Exports of Petroleum Products through 2024Q1
From EIA, and BEA NIPA:
First Tranche of Weapons to Ukraine; Seizing Russian Assets?
From Bloomberg: Upon signing the foreign assistance bill, this is what’s heading to Ukraine first tranche ($1bn):
NIIP and Primary Income: Dark Matter +20 vs. Exorbitant Privilege +40
Here’s a graph that I constructed, in preparing to teach the open economy component of Macro Policy:
Kim Ruhl: “U.S. China Trade: From the Cold War to the Trade War”
Economics Dept and CROWE presents:
IMF View on US GDP Growth
More upbeat than WSJ April survey mean:
Trends in German Trade on the Eve of World War I
One shouldn’t just say increasing (or decreasing) trade between potential adversaries predicts something.
Thinking about Trade War II
A flurry of investment bank newsletters (Wells Fargo, GS) impels me to look at what happened to the aggregate trade balance in the wake of Trump’s tariff hikes: