58 thoughts on “DNI: “Updated Assessment on Covid-19 Origins

  1. baffling

    thanks for the article prof chinn. as suspected, it seems we still do not have a credible guess as to the origins of the virus. and based on an inability to complete a satisfactory investigation in china, this will probably be the case going forward. one should note, however, that the mers and sars infections a couple of decades ago also took quite some time to find the source, so the answer is till possible going forward.

  2. Moses Herzog

    There are many reality based conspiracy theories related to the Chinese government we can “buy into”. We needn’t add those based on fiction and paranoia. I spent time in China (which I have told everyone here to the point where the regulars are sick of me mentioning it). There are some things related to China that I take in an extremely personal way. It is ridiculous to think they did this as a biological weapon. ZERO percent chance. And even Barkley Junior’s version of a lab mishap~~~i.e. originating in a science/research lab—but with no mal-intent~~~I would put at lower than a 2% chance.

    I’m glad Professor Chinn is driving this point home again, because based on the violence that donald trump encouraged against Asian Americans in the last 2 years, the point cannot be driven home enough.

    1. Barkley Rosser

      Oh gag, Moses. Why do you keep misrepresenting my view of all this? I will remind people that over a year ago you totally ridiculed any possibility that it might have come out of a lab somehow. But subsequent information and judgments by intel agencies made it clear that this was a possibility, which you were forced to recognize. That you now, on the basis of your personal experience in China, which, offhand, strikes me as utterly irrelevant to this sort of a judgment, declare it has a probability of less than 2% to have come out of a lab is utterly ludicrous.

      My position has been and remains that we do not know and that we will not know, and we also have no grounds whatsoever of assigning a probability of assigning a probability to any of this.

      I also note that while I have only seen occasional references to this in the recent stories, another possibility is that this was something intermediate: that it originated in the wild, but that infected animals were brought to a lab in Wuhan to be studied, more likely the other one there studying these things than the one most of the attention has been focused on, with this other one very close to the infamous wet market where a major outbreak of cases among humans occurred, probably the first superspreader location. This would then involve a transmission from one of these infected animals in that lab to a human or humans who then spread it outside. It seems that the US intel agencies view this as less likely than either some accidental development of it in one of the Wuhan labs or just the usual natural development in the wild that then managed to get to Wuhan and into people there without ever passing through a lab. As it is, nobody serious (aside from some US politicians) has argued that the Chinese consciously developed it as a bioweapon, even though they have tried to make such a claim about the US, and that view is reiterated in this latest summary, although that is simply reconfirming what has long been accepted (and I never gave that any credence).

      But again, the Chinese have covered up or destroyed crucial evidence on all this and seem uninterested in letting anybody outside investigate any of this further. So we shall probably never know, as i have repeatedly said here, which makes odd speculations regarding probabilities in the face of such a lack of evidence (and any scientific expertise on this matter on your part, Moses) really quite ridiculous.

      Note for the record that I have and do take your experiences in China seriously and have stated that this gives you insight and knowledge about China that most others lack on many matters. But this is not one of those matters.

      1. Moses Herzog

        Really?? I’m trying to be nice to you Professor Rosser. Shall I dig up your old comments on the Chinese research labs in Wuhan on this very same blog?? I’m very happy to do that if you or Menzie even hinted that you’d like me to do that. I really even can’t believe Menizie can stomach you at this point.

        1. Barkley Rosser


          I suspect you have some fantasy about my comments. There was no difference back then than now, although you like to play “gotcha.” But you were the one found wrong on this, so I do not know why you are pushing this. You insisted it was completely impossible blah blah blah for it to have come from a lab, but then had to back off and are now admitting that it might have, although insisting on this ridiculous 2% max on that probability, which has no basis. I never said it did or did not; I said we did not know and probably never will, and that remains true. I do not have to modify or excuse myself for past errors on this, unlike you. Why are you making a fool of yourself here reminding people that you seriously screwed up?

          Let me note two further things, which I said in the past. One is that there have been leaks from labs, including even in the US. One was from a lab in Beijing during the SARS epidemic. It was not the source of the main part of that epidemic, but it did lead to infections outside the lab. While most of these viruses have had “natural” origins, there is a record of leaks from labs, including in China, with I think these exceeding 2% of the cases involved here, if you want to try to make a “scientific” estimate of that probability.

          The more disturbing matter is how the Chinese government has shut down access to most of the data and so on at the Wuhan Virology Lab, and did so a long time ago. A WHO team was allowed to visit that lab some months ago for a couple of hours, but they were not granted access to the necessary data to determine anything, with the WHO leaders noting that afteward. Now maybe this is just some sort of general assertion of authority with nothing having leaked from there. But if they were serious about convincing the world community that it did not come from there they would have/should have made that data available. It sure looks like a coverup, even if it is not.

          As the self-proclaimed expert on China, what is your explanation of why they are not allowing any outsiders to see the data that might exonerate the lab of having been the source of the virus? Really, Moses, why the eff are they doing this blatantly stupid thing? I mean, they are not stupid, as ltr would rush forward to assure us, although she will probably avoid commenting on all this.

          One matter that many have complained about, and I noted it in the past, but I think is not a big deal, is the matter of the clearing out/cleaning up of the notorious wet market. Yes, it would have also helped if we could have access to looking at it to see what was up, but I think this clearing/cleaning up was done by local health authorities as part of the campaign to shut down the spread of the virus, completely understandable and reasonable. So, it may be too bad that stuff is not there for outsiders to see, but I do not see that cleaning up as some nefarious plot to hide anything. It was a reasonable response at the time by local health authorities to slow or stop the pandemic from further spreading.

          That cannot be said about their refusal to allow access to data in the lab.

          As it is, I think, and I think I said this in the past, it is more likely to have come from the wild without going through or coming out of a lab. But we do not know and will not know, again, thanks to the Chinese government. This was my position and remains it, and I challenge you to find me sayng anything different. Really, Mose, you are the one out on a limb with this, having made foolish statements in the past, not me.

          1. Moses Herzog

            “Gotcha” …what does that mean exactly?? Holding your [edited MDC] ass ACCOUNTABLE??? Have it your way, I’ll waste MY GD time looking for what you said before. YOU’re a [edited MDC]

          2. Barkley Rosser

            Oh dear, Moses. You had not gone after me with your vendettaish ranting for some time. I had actually come to think that perhaps you had decided that we were mostly allies, or at least not enemies, given that on most issues we actually agree. But that was obviously foolish of me as you are back to your old stunts.

            So, go ahead. See if you can find something about my current position on the origins of the pandemic that is somehow inconsistent with what I said last year when you denounced me as totally ridiculous. Again, I have to ask why you are pushing this given that you are the one who was found to be out of it and wrong, not me? Maybe you are sort of realizing you have fallen into a mess and will not be able to find any gotcha on me because there is not one. There is only one on you. I understand this is frustrating and could lead to you just losing it.

            And it does seem that you have lost it here, pretty badly. You asked how Menzie could “stomach” me. But you are the one he is having to censor for going off the wall. Really, Moses, are you upset about the election results in Virginia? I am. But I am not frothing at the mouth and posting stuff that Menzie has to censor. Do please try to get it together better.

          3. Moses Herzog

            On a Virginia person’s request I have to show the blog what type of person they are, yet once again. I provide you with a short hand version, which, luckily, based on his 20th moving of goals posts of this argument, I already have a short-hand version:

            Let’s go to the record, shall we?? One more time for fun, the Barkley Junior laughers’ reel of tape:
            “I do not know about this remark, but the current leading theory is that this did not start from somebody eating a bat (or pangolin) from a Wuhan wet market. Rather now the best evidence suggests that it came from a lab where they were trying to develop a vaccine against bat-induced illnesses, but were careless with health security.”

            Comedy fans wanting more?? OK, OK, anything for those folks still feeling gypped “The Legend of Ron Burgundy Part 3” hasn’t been released yet.
            “It is probably not from a Wuhan seafood market, long the most popular theory. Problem is we are pretty sure it is from bats (possibly pangolins), but bats were not sold at this ‘wet market.’ If it is from there, then somehow a bat infected some animal that was there, but, as its label says, it was a seafood market, not the usual animals bats interact with. As it is, the Chinese have shut it down and thoroughly swabbed the place, so we shall probably not get to know for sure one way or another.”

            NO really, Barkley’s “sourcing” of his “science” info is the best part:
            “A more recent link is at Daily Signal by Fred Lucas from two days ago, dailysignal.com/2020/04/12/could-covid-19-have-come-from-chinese-lab-4-things-to-know .”

            So there you have it folks, the world-renowned biologist Barkley Junior says that “seafood are not the usual animals bats interact with” (Did Barkley think these animals could only transmit virus by sex, or fish having a conversation with bats about the local weather??) I guess Junior doesn’t know animals belonging to different species are sometimes transported together in extremely unhygienic conditions before being eaten. i.e. they defecate on other species when they are transported in cages, and/or defecate on each other in the wild. Or they are sometimes butchered using the same tools on the same table top (surface). David Ignatius and the CIA forgot to pass on that little information gem to poor Biologist Barkley. [ if you are rolling around on the floor right now laughing, please be sure to write the taxpayers of Virginia and thank them, hysterically funny comedy is hard to find in the Covid-19 period, and it doesn’t get any better than this. Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell locked up alone in a writer’s room for 2 years solid, couldn’t come close to this kind of side-splitting satire }

          4. Barkley Rosser

            My my, Moses, putting a bunch of stuff in highlighted lettering is going to impress people with something? It remains unknown how the coronavirus turned into a pandemic among humans. One thing that seems different now is that if indeed the virus originated from bats in the wild, it seems less likely that it got into humans from the now-cleaned up wet market in Wuhan.

          5. Barkley Rosser

            Probably should not waste time getting more specific, but items quoted by Moses reflected information coming from a variety of sources over time a year ago in the spring, with all of them noted as things coming from a variety of sources in a situation where we were highly unlikely to get a definite answer, which was my bottom line then and remains it now.

            You were pushing the theory that it definitely came out of the wet market with it getting there from some animal in the wild directly. That remains unproven, with substantial loose ends to it. The top one is that bats were not sold in the market so it would have to have been some other animal. I noted that the most likely would have been a pangolin, with those apparently sold at that market at times. Last I checked that remains the leading candidate, although indeed lately the wet market seems to be viewed less seriously as the original link into the human population. But as noted in one of these bits you quoted, we shall not know because it was all cleaned out.

            I reported on the theory that it might have come from the other virology lab in Wuhan, the CDC one that is near where the wet market was. Reports had it also doing research on bat viruses and having bats in its lab. I have not seen it mentioned much recently, so apparently it is now viewed as not so likely a source, with the main virology lab receiving most of the attention. But while you ridiculed one source I noted, I also note that the original source for that theory, which I noted when I first mentioned that theory, was an article written by two Chinese academics that the government suppressed from being published, still to this day a peculiar and questionable action. But, hey, I am sure the taxpayers of Virginia will find all this to be grounds to run me out of town.

          6. Anonymous

            Given that it is on the main theme of this thread, I am going to provide more information about this matter of the second virology lab in Wuhan that gets very little attention, and which my discussions of Moses seems to find worthy of ridiculing emboldened letters that amount to shouting (anybody out there impressed by his shouting on this or find my comments as side-splitting? Anybody? Bet nobodydoes.)

            So, here is an AP News article by Maria Cheng out of London on August 21 of this year, following Dr. Tedros, the leader of the WHO changing his line and saying that while their official report in April had dismissed all the lab leak theories as “extremely unlikely” they said this due to pressure from their Chinese hosts when the WHO team visited and that indeed, “there was insufficient scientific evidence to rule out any of the hypotheses yet,” which was a major influence on the US intelligence establishment and the Biden administration in continuing to say that while a purely wild source may be viewed as more likely, a lab leak source is still a possibility not ruled out.

            Most of the discussion in US sources has been on the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, where more advanced research occurs, and has received some US funding and participation by US scientists. This has certainly gotten attention by people in the US who want to blame Dr. Fauci and engage in a lot of bad conspiracy mongering. But that is also a lab with the highest level of secure practices. It was visited by the WHO team, but they and others have been denied access to important data there.

            For whatever reason these US intel sources do not discuss the other lab, the Wuhan branch of the Chinese CDC, but this article, entitled “WHO expert had concerns about lab close to 1st COVID cases,” apnews.com/article/entertainment-joe-biden-business-health-coronavirus-epidemic-986f)ff)977af)20de3b4ab3d76b23cd , which should be easily found by googling if I have messed up the link here, does focus on it. The expert is Ben Emberik who was part of the WHO team, which did not visit the lab eh thought and still thinks is more likely.

            One thing I had reported from various sources was not confirmed in this article, that this lab may have actually had bats in it. No report of that. But it did deal with coronaviruses, is only 500 meters from the Huanang wet market, and had poorer security protocols than the more famous Institute of Virology. The photo in the AP story showed Embarek visiting housing for workers at the wet market, talking about how they could have gotten it from somebody visiting from that nearby lab who got it in a lab accident, with these indeed happening quite frequently.

            It certainly is the case that the Huanang wet market is the earliest publicly known superspreader location, which is why local health authorities shut it down and cleared it out, making it impossible to really figure out what happened there. The question is how the virus to into that market. It was not from bats sold there because none were. It might have been from pangolins sold there, which had been previously once identified as a source of such things, or maybe one or another other species. It was almost certainly not brought by seafood, although my perfectly accurate remark that viruses are rarely spread from seafood to bats triggered some of the most scornful remarks by Moses above. OTOH, the Chinese have argued it might have gotten there by seafood packaging, which was mentione in the official WHO report, although most observers do not take that seriously. If it was not brought into the market by a pangolin or other such species, then it was brought in by infected humans, possibly from one of the virology labs where research was going on in Wuhan, but while most of the attention has been focused on the Institute of Virology, the arguments by Ben Embarik still hold and largely correspond with what I argued, but which Moses has seen fit to ridicule for no good reason.

            Again, he is trying to undo that he was definitely rejecting any lab leak theory a year ago in the spring, along with ltr and pgl, q view that is no longer generally accepted. I understand that back then it was a political issue, which it still is to a large extent, with the lab leak theory having its credibility damaged due to Trump pushing it along with a lot of racist remarks. But take his remarks out of the picture, and it remains a possibility, including from this less-mentioned lab only 500 meters from the wet market in Wuhan.

          7. Barkley Rosser

            Given that it is on the main theme of this thread, I am going to provide more information about this matter of the second virology lab in Wuhan that gets very little attention, and which my discussions of Moses seems to find worthy of ridiculing emboldened letters that amount to shouting (anybody out there impressed by his shouting on this or find my comments as side-splitting? Anybody? Bet nobodydoes.)

            So, here is an AP News article by Maria Cheng out of London on August 21 of this year, following Dr. Tedros, the leader of the WHO changing his line and saying that while their official report in April had dismissed all the lab leak theories as “extremely unlikely” they said this due to pressure from their Chinese hosts when the WHO team visited and that indeed, “there was insufficient scientific evidence to rule out any of the hypotheses yet,” which was a major influence on the US intelligence establishment and the Biden administration in continuing to say that while a purely wild source may be viewed as more likely, a lab leak source is still a possibility not ruled out.

            Most of the discussion in US sources has been on the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, where more advanced research occurs, and has received some US funding and participation by US scientists. This has certainly gotten attention by people in the US who want to blame Dr. Fauci and engage in a lot of bad conspiracy mongering. But that is also a lab with the highest level of secure practices. It was visited by the WHO team, but they and others have been denied access to important data there.

            For whatever reason these US intel sources do not discuss the other lab, the Wuhan branch of the Chinese CDC, but this article, entitled “WHO expert had concerns about lab close to 1st COVID cases,” apnews.com/article/entertainment-joe-biden-business-health-coronavirus-epidemic-986f)ff)977af)20de3b4ab3d76b23cd , which should be easily found by googling if I have messed up the link here, does focus on it. The expert is Ben Emberik who was part of the WHO team, which did not visit the lab eh thought and still thinks is more likely.

            One thing I had reported from various sources was not confirmed in this article, that this lab may have actually had bats in it. No report of that. But it did deal with coronaviruses, is only 500 meters from the Huanang wet market, and had poorer security protocols than the more famous Institute of Virology. The photo in the AP story showed Embarek visiting housing for workers at the wet market, talking about how they could have gotten it from somebody visiting from that nearby lab who got it in a lab accident, with these indeed happening quite frequently.

            It certainly is the case that the Huanang wet market is the earliest publicly known superspreader location, which is why local health authorities shut it down and cleared it out, making it impossible to really figure out what happened there. The question is how the virus to into that market. It was not from bats sold there because none were. It might have been from pangolins sold there, which had been previously once identified as a source of such things, or maybe one or another other species. It was almost certainly not brought by seafood, although my perfectly accurate remark that viruses are rarely spread from seafood to bats triggered some of the most scornful remarks by Moses above. OTOH, the Chinese have argued it might have gotten there by seafood packaging, which was mentione in the official WHO report, although most observers do not take that seriously. If it was not brought into the market by a pangolin or other such species, then it was brought in by infected humans, possibly from one of the virology labs where research was going on in Wuhan, but while most of the attention has been focused on the Institute of Virology, the arguments by Ben Embarik still hold and largely correspond with what I argued, but which Moses has seen fit to ridicule for no good reason.

            Again, he is trying to undo that he was definitely rejecting any lab leak theory a year ago in the spring, along with ltr and pgl, q view that is no longer generally accepted. I understand that back then it was a political issue, which it still is to a large extent, with the lab leak theory having its credibility damaged due to Trump pushing it along with a lot of racist remarks. But take his remarks out of the picture, and it remains a possibility, including from this less-mentioned lab only 500 meters from the wet market in Wuhan.

            Frankly, Moses, you look more ridiculous and just plain sick than ever with this.

  3. paddy kivlin

    Admiral Kimmel, General Short the assessment form washington is the japanese cannot attack at pearl harbor…….

    1. T. Shaw

      If this was a SEC disclosure, these guys would be required to report how much of their grants and income come from the CCP.

      1. pgl

        More really dumb comments? SEC reports cover the financials of publicly traded companies. WTF does that have to do with this document?

        1. T. Shaw

          I am typing this very slowly.

          The point is you people will believe and transmit whatever your CCP overlords say.

          1. rjs

            Menzie, it appears that not only does he believe the DNI is funded by the CCP, but that your CCP overlords directed you to post their contrived results on your blog…

            his comment is useful, though, as a window into the kinds of narratives that are probably going around in his corner of the country…or maybe even being spread nationally, on right wings websites and talk radio…i guess i’m going to have to sign back into Gab and see what gives….

  4. Ivan

    We will never know with great certainty whether this was a natural virus that was going directly from nature, or via the wuhan lab, to people. Trump with his idiotic “China virus” rants ensured that. Most likely it was natural wild animal to human transmission – since they are a dime a dozen.

    The good news is that it actually doesn’t matter at all. Regardless of how this specific bat virus was transferred to humans society will do the exact same thing. We will have to BOTH try to reduce the risk of escape of viruses from laboratories and ALSO reduce the risk of transfer from wildlife to humans.

    1. pgl

      Your last paragraph is spot on! I want to go out and SCREAM at my local police and firemen – take the damn vaccine and move on. And wear your damn mask! OK time to go vote for the next mayor, who will not be the clown Eric Sliwa (I hope).

    2. Ulenspiegel

      “We will never know with great certainty whether this was a natural virus that was going directly from nature, or via the wuhan lab, to people. ”

      To my best of knowledge there have been older samples reported in China, that conmtained the virus. It is quite unlikely that the virus came from the Wuhan lab, the wet market may have been simply a catalyst.

      1. baffling

        where did you hear of older samples? i have not heard of this yet.

        just a guess, but i would suggest the fact the first large outbreak in wuhan indicates that is not where the virus originally emerged. it was already quite deadly and quite transmissive. to me, this indicates a variant of the virus was already circulating in the public. it simply evolved in wuhan to become more transmissive and/or more deadly. we should be testing older samples around the world to see if there exists a previous variant prior to the outbreak. just a possibility, but it should be more thoroughly explored.

        1. Ulenspiegel

          “where did you hear of older samples? i have not heard of this yet.”

          Spring 2020 older samples (IIRC September 2019) were investigated, some of them contained the virus and were not from the Wuhan region.
          In principle this could be done on a larger scale with old flu swaps, it only requires the willingness of the Chinese authorities to solve the isssue, and drawing samples from the fur industry would also be useful.

          1. Ivan

            Until patient zero has been identified there is no saying how/where the transfer from bats to humans happened. China is the only nation that has any chance of identifying patient zero. Trump made sure that the whole issue got taken over by the politicians rather than remaining a scientific questions. No sane Chinese politician would ever allow for patient zero to be identified (or even that the issue is further investigated). At “best” they would allow some fake data to be released “showing” that it originated in Cambodia or some CIA lab somewhere.

            The “truth train” has been derailed and burned, but the truth is irrelevant anyway. We should focus on the real issues, not this old Trump distraction.

  5. pgl

    Some of you may remember when Princeton Steve polluted the comment section with his real estate guru Brandon’s youtube’s (Brandon BTW is a loud mouth moron – Princeton Steve’s kind of guy) and their coverage of the home flipping genius at Zillow. Of course Zillow has incurred operating losses for all of its previous years in this home flipping segment.

    The latest news is out and it is really ugly for the Zillow shareholders:


    It seems they have to dump 7000 houses for less than what they were saying was fair market value. This kind of utter incompetence by the management of Zillow may even spark shareholder lawsuits.

    But remember – according to Princeton Steve and Youtube star Brandon, Zillow are the Masters of the Universe in the real estate market!

    1. Steven Kopits

      “It seems they have to dump 7000 houses for less than what they were saying was fair market value. This kind of utter incompetence by the management of Zillow may even spark shareholder lawsuits.”

      It’s possible that those houses were worth less than the Zillow value. But that would be odd, because Zillow can track transactions real time, so it should be pretty good at pegging those values.

      Rather, the presumption is that the value of those houses has fallen since they were acquired, which is what I anticipated.

      1. pgl

        “Zillow can track transactions real time, so it should be pretty good at pegging those values. Rather, the presumption is that the value of those houses has fallen since they were acquired”.

        You STILL believe Zillow are the masters? No one else does. Zillow is in its 4th straight year of incurring huge operating losses in the flipping business. I tried to get you to read their 10-K which shows that. But I guess your utter incompetence at basic research precludes you from doing so.

        Look dude – your Brandon dude is an idiot but you think his youtube babble is gospel. Dumbest consultant EVER!

      2. pgl

        “Rather, the presumption is that the value of those houses has fallen since they were acquired, which is what I anticipated.”

        Who talks this way? Come on dude. Presumption sine evidence? You may be the most arrogant dunce ever to walk the face of the earth.

      3. baffling

        ““We’ve determined the unpredictability in forecasting home prices far exceeds what we anticipated,” Zillow CEO Rich Barton said in a press release as part of the company’s third-quarter earnings report. “Continuing to scale Zillow Offers would result in too much earnings and balance-sheet volatility.”

        well steven, i am not sure the ceo of zillow agrees with you. in fact, this lines up with what i said earlier. zillows analytics suck and the carry on the balance sheet was too large for too long.

        notice the ceo did not say house prices had fallen. what he implied is that they paid too much for homes. bad analytics. zillow is no different than the common home buyer, who overpays for their home more often than not.

        1. pgl

          I provided an interesting link with lots of market information including a discussion of the Freddie Mac House Price Index. The date of this account was October 29, 2021 so it is a few days old but their most recent information had housing prices still rising.

          But Princeton Steve would rather believe those Youtubes from loud mouth Brandon.

          1. Baffling

            Redfin and opendoor are set to continue and increase their ibuying programs. It appears the problem with zillow is there algorithm. I repeatedly told steven this a short while back when he touted his 20% home price appreciation. I follows zestimates enough to know they are not accurate. And subject to revisions which are not recorded accurately in their price history graph. I am just surprised the company fell for its own con. Zillow webs site serves a good purpose, but zestimates are a marketing con game.

  6. ltr


    November 2, 2021

    Chinese mainland reports 71 new COVID-19 cases

    The Chinese mainland recorded 71 new confirmed COVID-19 cases on Monday – 54 local transmissions and 17 from overseas, data from the National Health Commission (NHC) showed on Tuesday.

    In addition, 13 new asymptomatic cases were recorded, while 392 asymptomatic patients remain under medical observation.

    Confirmed cases on the Chinese mainland now total 97,314, with the death toll unchanged at 4,636.

    Chinese mainland new locally transmitted cases


    Chinese mainland new imported cases


    Chinese mainland new asymptomatic cases


    1. baffling

      china shut down disney shanghai because of a possible covid outbreak.

      i guess the question to ask is why, if they chinese vaccines are so available and so good, are the chinese still operating such a strict covid policy? i would have thought the covid policy would have evolved with the increased number of jabs in the country? i am not saying get rid of social distancing and masking. but the continued lockdowns and quarantines are surprising.

  7. ltr


    November 2, 2021

    Over 2.279 bln COVID-19 vaccine doses administered on Chinese mainland

    BEIJING — More than 2.279 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered on the Chinese mainland as of Monday, data from the National Health Commission showed Tuesday.

    [ Chinese coronavirus vaccine yearly production capacity is more than 5 billion doses. Along with over 2.279 billion doses of Chinese vaccines administered domestically, more than 1.6 billion doses have been distributed to more than 100 countries internationally. Sixteen countries are now producing Chinese vaccines from delivered raw materials. ]

  8. ltr


    October 11, 2019

    Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopian Prime Minister
    Mr. Abiy spearheaded a peace accord in his region and catalyzed reforms at home.
    By Matina Stevis-Gridneff


    CGTN @CGTNOfficial

    Ethiopia said it is “extremely disappointed” by the United States’ decision to terminate the country from it’s preferential trade African Growth and Opportunity Act programme. The Ethiopian ministry of trade said on Tuesday that the government takes all human rights allegations seriously.

    1:19 PM · Nov 2, 2021

  9. pgl

    This dude is the kind of ignorant voter that Republicans are appealing to by flat out lying them:


    Youngkin is running on a campaign to stop teaching Critical Race Theory to kids in school. Of course Critical Race Theory is not being taught but stirring up racial divides has always worked well for Trumpian racists.

    Now this dude has no effing clue what Critical Race Theory even is but he is sure that making sure it is not taught in public schools has to be THE issue in the governor race. Dude – it is not being taught in school but you are an utter moron.

    1. Barkley Rosser


      Well, we have quite the irony. Today when probably the GOP will win big in Virginia (I hope not) based on a pack of hysterical racist and transphobic lies, with voters upset about rising gasoline prices and having dropped their rating of Bisen’s economic policies by 20%, the Dow has finally crossed the infamous Glassman-Hastett threshold, cl;osing at 36,029. Of course, Trump told us that if Biden were elected the stock market would totally tank, but here we are, although as has long been known, most voters actually do not care about the stock market, which is most important for the upper wealth strata. Anyway, those are making out, even as they seel a bunch of hysterical lies to the Tump base masses who threaten the lives of school board members around the country and demand the “free speech” right to do so.

      1. pgl

        “the Dow has finally crossed the infamous Glassman-Hastett threshold, cl;osing at 36,029.”

        Twenty years after they said it would it 36000!

        1. Barkley Rosser

          Yeah, I think they said it would be six months to two years or so. But then there was the dot com crash, and, well, it took 22 years.

    2. Gregory Bott

      Uh, what do you think a “grift” is then??? QNan was a Watkins/Republican/Russian devised hoax. Meant to grift in new age wonks conspiracists and other nonaffiliated voters who they can scrounge for votes. It was all a con. Now the “movement” is collapsing. I know 2 coworkers who voted for Trump in 2020(one did not in 2016) that rarely ever voted and when they did, it was Democratic. Now they are getting attacked by QNan insiders as they try to leave the group. Most likely Republicans. As they know now. Its a grift, a con. Too make you believe.

      If the Democratic party would run shoots when politicking, they would do so much better. Critical Race Theory???? Bahahahha who teaches that junk??? Laugh away. Laugh at your opponent for making it a issue. Show what a loser they are and your the cool one. Its a wrestling promo. Its always has been.

      1. baffling

        its pretty clear it was not taught in virginia schools. on the other hand, would you rather they promoted something silly like creationism?

        bruce, just because you don’t want critical race theory taught is schools doesn’t mean it is wrong. it is a pretty good description of some of societies ills today.

  10. Gregory Bott

    The Chinese side of thinks it jumped in 2019 from China to Europe. Then in Europe mutated to the much more infectious kind. With wargames 2019 it jumped back into China as the more infectious variant. That is their side of it. Its why we see it rumbling around Europe in the summer of 2019. With a so called spike in “flu cases” probably not the flu by fall.

    1. Ulenspiegel

      “The Chinese side of thinks it jumped in 2019 from China to Europe.”

      Then it must be found in old flu swabs in Europe. It is not – such kind of experiments were part of the validation of the WHO test covid kit.
      Therefore, we can exclude this thesis.

      The second evidence against it is of course the various “pure” strains that were sequenced in the first half of 2020, they allow to determine from which Chinese air traffic hub the virus came to different continents, USA was different from Europe….

    1. pgl

      Even in real terms housing prices were rising – but this is through August 2021. Maybe Brandon has some update series but I doubt it.

  11. joseph

    baffling: “i guess the question to ask is why, if they chinese vaccines are so available and so good, are the chinese still operating such a strict covid policy?”

    Once again, baffling, who fancies himself a progressive, is parroting MAGA hat propaganda. That’s exactly what the anti-vaxers say in the U.S. — “If the vaccines are so good, why do you care if I don’t get vaccinated or wear a mask? Your vaccines are no good.”

    Just last week Baffling was parroting Newt Gingrich about Social Security cuts. Seems to be a pattern.

    1. Baffling

      Apparently you are unable to read a full comment joseph. Are you illiterate?

      Joseph, what plan do you have in place to ensure I receive my full retirement benefits, just like you feel entitled to receive your full benefits? Ahh thats right. You dont have a plan. Just like bernie, alligator arms when the check comes. I could at least respect you if you had a realistic plan.

    2. baffling

      ” “If the vaccines are so good, why do you care if I don’t get vaccinated or wear a mask? Your vaccines are no good.””

      the antivaxxers want you to give up. i want you to do better. the dishonesty in your arguments, joseph, is embarrassing. you have some anger management issues, apparently. have you noticed yourself yelling at the kids to get off your lawn lately? because you are going down that path.

    3. joseph

      Just pointing out your propensity toward echoing right wing arguments. You might want to think about why that is. I’m sorry that pointing out the facts makes you uncomfortable, but that’s the same complaint Trumpers make.

      1. baffling

        i am advocating that we have more and better vaccines. that is not a right wing argument. i am not uncomfortable with that position. but you are very misleading in your characterization of my position here. dishonest, joseph.

        i am advocating that we not punt the issue of social security. right now ssa indicates that my benefits will be about 78% of expected in 2035. you do not seem too concerned about that, most likely because you will be dead. but i would like to see it addressed. and if i am going to take a benefit cut, i would like you to take one as well. you are not one of the poor that i would be more than willing to protect from a cut. why is it ok for you to ask me to sacrifice those benefits, but it is not ok for you to sacrifice those benefits? very selfish joseph. as i said before, i am more than willing to listen to your plan if it is realistic.

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