So the world sometimes gets better. ShadowStats reports May CPI y/y inflation at above 7.5%.
Author Archives: Menzie Chinn
Some Hate Crimes, over Time
EIA Short Term Energy Outlook Forecast for Oil, and the Impact of Sanctions
As reported yesterday:
Alternative Estimates of Chinese Q3 GDP Growth
The Fernald-Hsu-Spiegel China Cyclical Activity Tracker (CCAT) indicates Q3 growth 0.26 standard deviation below trend.
Guest Contribution: “The Fed Approaches the End of the Rate Hiking Cycle”
Today, we present a guest post written by David Papell and Ruxandra Prodan, Professor and Associate Instructional Professor of Economics at the University of Houston.
Euro Area Treading Water
EuroCoin in October indicates quarterly growth rate of -0.67 (q/q). The Q3 flash estimate for Euro Area GDP was -0.1%.
The Household Employment Series Turns Down
Does this mean we should be expecting the recession, in next month’s or month after’s data? Maybe, maybe not.
Weekly Macro Indicators, through 10/28
Year-on-Year growth is accelerating modestly, according to the WEI.
Risk and Uncertainty, Market and Geopolitical
One way to visualize:
Interest rates down: