The macroeconomic implications of high oil imports
Category Archives: energy
April auto sales
Motor vehicles is one of the key sectors to watch for an indication that the recent gas price spike might derail the current economic expansion.
More political pandering
Those whose political philosophy is to try to opt for the lesser of two evils may have a hard time choosing their dog in the fight between Senate Democrats and Republicans over gasoline taxes.
President Bush and gasoline prices
Unlike some other pundits, I see a number of good ideas in the President’s new proposals and actions announced on Tuesday.
Contango, speculation, and the price of oil
Lynne Kiesling (Knowledge Problem),
John Whitehead
(Environmental Economics) ,
Stephen Ayer
(Disinterested Party), and whoever that is blogging over at Oil Wars were among those commenting on this article ($$ required) at the Wall Street Journal.
Who’s afraid of $3 gasoline?
Does the expected strong 2006:Q1 GDP report mean that the economy will shrug off the recent resurgence of gas prices?
Oil goes higher and higher
The NYMEX May 2006 crude futures contract closed today above $71.
Rising gas prices: whom should we blame this time?
U.S. gasoline prices are again moving quickly up. Some of the politicians who are looking for a scapegoat might do well to look in a mirror.
Specter’s antitrust bill
I share the concerns expressed at Mises Economics Blog and the Voluntary Trade Council about antitrust legislation introduced this week targeting both domestic and foreign oil producers.
February Trade Figures
A (semi-) Positive Surprise on the trade balance