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Isn’t that Exactly the Definition of…

From Bloomberg:

China is considering a U.S. request to shift some tariffs on key agricultural goods to other products so the Trump administration can sell any eventual trade deal as a win for farmers ahead of the 2020 election, people familiar with the situation said.

Recall Mr. Trump’s attempts to buoy Boeing, intervene in merger talks, support the steel industry through protection, and so forth. Also consider the attempts to politicize the Fed. Now consider this entry from The Library of Economics and Liberty:

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it.




Is California in Recession? (Part XVI)

February coincident indices from the Philadelphia Fed are out. Time to re-evaluate this assessment from slightly over a year ago in Political Calculations that California was in recession.

Going by these [household survey based labor market] measures, it would appear that recession has arrived in California, which is partially borne out by state level GDP data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. [text as accessed on 12/27/2017]

The release provides an opportunity to revisit this question (the Q3 GDP figures are discussed here). It’s (still) unlikely that a recession occurred.

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Update: Mr. Stephen Moore’s Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Below are the peer-reviewed journal articles authored or co-authored by Stephen Moore, CNN “economic expert”:


This list might be incomplete.

His non-peer reviewed articles/books include the annually published Rich States, Poor States, and the associated Laffer-Moore-Williams economic outlook ranking. My assessment of the empirical relevance of their index is in this post.

Trinity Wall Street presents Operas “Artemisia” and “Susanna”

March 5–9, 2019
St. Paul’s Chapel, Broadway and Fulton Street
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, NOVUS NY, and Trinity Baroque Orchestra

Continuing the commitment to amplifying the voices of female artists across multiple mediums, this year’s Time’s Arrow festival juxtaposes old and new stories of the biblical figure Susanna. Exploring sensitive themes of our time, the festival includes the fully staged world premiere of the new opera Artemisia (composer Laura Schwendinger, librettist Ginger Strand and Stage Director Christopher Alden) and concerts of Handel’s Susanna as Trinity continues its presentation of the composer’s oratorios. Artemisia tells the story of the Baroque artist who portrayed herself as Susanna in her famous painting Susanna and the Elders.


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