Category Archives: commodities

Soybean Watch in the Wake of the Trump-Xi Standstill

On July 12th, 2018, the closing price for a CBOT soybean futures contract expiring on July 12, 2019, was 885.75. As of 1:40PM Central on July 2nd, the price of the July 2019 contract was 877.00, 0.99% difference. In other words, soybean futures are (still) doing pretty well in terms of forecasting.

Figure 1: Price of contract for soybeans futures expiring July 2019 (black line), fifty data moving average (blue line). Source: accessed 7/2 1:40PM, and author’s annotations.

In other words, despite the Trump-Xi trade truce, soybean prices remain mired at where they were nearly a year ago (which is why I think Brad Setsers’ “standstill” better describes the outcome).



Winning: US Agriculture Edition

Figure 1: Real proprietor farm income with inventory valuation adjustment and capital consumption allowance (dark blue), and 4 quarter trailing moving average (red), both in billions of Ch.2012$, SAAR. Deflated using GDP deflator. Source: BEA 2019Q1 advance release, and author’s calculations. 

Of Chinese Swine, US Hog Exports, Soybean Prices, and News

Soybean prices continue to plunge (July ’19 futures). Some have argued that decreased demand for soybeans, due to the ongoing African swine fever epidemic in China. The April 9th USDA FAS report contained information on both this, and soy market conditions. If decreased demand for soybeans was due to news about Chinese swine stocks, we would have expected rising US hog and declining soy prices. Yet hog prices have fallen for most of the time since then.

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