The index came in at +0.9% vs. +0.2% m/m.
Category Archives: exchange rates
Maury Obstfeld: “Trump’s plans for the Fed and the dollar are a one-way ticket back to the inflationary chaos of the 1970s.”
Maury Obstfeld at PS says it better than I ever did (along with the best graphic *ever*):
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off to FX War We Go!
I’ve only now gotten around to writing about this Trump policy proposal: “Trump trade advisers plot dollar devaluation” . I was befuddled by how they Trump brain trust was going to effectively force the weakening of the dollar: sterilized intervention, dropping interest rates in the US, or forcing foreign countries to re-peg their currencies at stronger values. They all seem to be problematic.
“Der Dollar bleibt König”
From FAZ:
Der Euro und der Renminbi können in ihrer internationalen Bedeutung nicht mit dem Dollar wetteifern. Die amerikanische Währung bleibt an den Finanzmärkten der Maßstab.
Guest Contribution: “Elections and Devaluations”
Today, we present a guest post written by Jeffrey Frankel, Harpel Professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, and formerly a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. A shorter version appeared at Project Syndicate. He thanks Sohaib Nasim for research assistance.
The Value of the Chinese Yuan: Down 15% since 2022M03
There’s been a lot of discussion of overcapacity in Chinese production, and the resulting pressures in US and other markets. Here’s a picture of the Chinese real exchange rates.
Guest Contribution: “The Size of Major Currency Zones and Their Determinants”
Today, we are pleased to present a guest contribution written Hiro Ito (Portland State University). This web post was posted in RIETI’s columns series.
“Why dollar dominance is here to stay”
OMFIF Live broadcast, Wed 06 Mar 2024, 15:00 – 16:00 Eastern Time. Steven Kamin, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and Mark Sobel, OMFIF’s US chair, discuss their paper.
The Dollar’s Role as an International Currency
Some recent items: papers by Chinn, Frankel and Ito and Kamin and Sobel; talk by Mark Copelovitch on Tuesday.
Teaching Macro 2024
First time teaching undergrad macro (elective, after intermediate macro) in three years, so I thought time to revise the syllabus (Econ 442) to account for new issues (compare against Fall 2001).