Category Archives: financial markets

What Does the Term Spread Predict? IP, GDP, Coincident Index?

It’s commonplace to correlate term spreads with future economic activity measured one way or thSo, while other. Recessions in the US do seem to be predictable on the basis of term spreads; but recessions are a binary variable insofar as the NBER, ECRI, and other institutions define it. What about growth as a continuous variable — be it growth of GDP or industrial production?

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The Gutting of the US Dollar, According to Vladimir Putin

From EJ Antoni and Peter St. Onge channel Vladimir Putin (Feb 2024):

America’s political establishment has less respect for the U.S. dollar than our foreign adversaries.

That was made clear when Tucker Carlson recently interviewed the Russian strongman President Vladimir Putin, who clearly articulated how the uniparty in Washington is destroying America’s greatest strategic and economic asset — her currency.

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