Accounting for gold, GDPNow for Q1 is at +0.4%.
GDPNow and Other Predictions
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Accounting for gold, GDPNow for Q1 is at +0.4%.
In my IRL mailbox! Looking forward to reading… Continue reading
Highest 7 day moving average since Covid…(not sure if that date coincides with “bleach”):
From Econ442, yesterday’s lecture:
Years (or months) from now, if the economy goes into recession, remember this is the team that brought you that outcome.
Assume no revision to GDP prospects from the imports data, as Goldman Sachs did. What is the path of GDP growth, and the level of GDP?
EPU through 3/3/2025:
Dow Jones:
A week ago, Atlanta Fed’s nowcast of consumption was 2.2% q/q annualized; now it’s zero.
High frequency through 3/2: