Mike Knetter and I joined Lisa Pugh for a conversation yesterday about the economy and the election. Here’s the video:
Mike Knetter and I joined Lisa Pugh for a conversation yesterday about the economy and the election. Here’s the video:
July was down, and we won’t have August numbers until September 20th (maybe a day earlier from DWD). Using official nationwide nonfarm payroll employment, Wisconsin employment is growing.
If you forgot what the trade landscape looked like — and how Trump’s policies impacted Wisconsin — here’s a picture of Wisconsin real exports during and after (was thinking about this, prepping for WisconsinEye show tomorrow, where Mike Knetter will be talking).
On this blog, I intermittently post on Wisconsin macro aggregates. For micro assessments of Wisconsin’s labor markets and household welfare, I turn to High Road Strategy Center’s reports. From the 2024 report, here are four key graphs.
A few days ago, Eric Hovde spoke about impending mass layoffs. I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about; here’re some indicators for Wisconsin, and for the nation.
See on WisconsinEye.
Preliminary NFP count is down 6.5K (on 3 million), unemployment rate up 0.1 ppts.
From the just-released Summer WMC Wisconsin Employer Survey:
Michael Lucas comments on July 1st, painting a grim picture of Wisconsin employment. For comparison, here are some other aggregate numbers, including the Philadelphia Fed’s coincident index, released today.
For all private workers, as well as production and nonsupervisory: