Category Archives: labor market

Whose Real Wage?

EJ Antoni writes:

Today’s employment data showed further gains in earnings, but cumulative price increases have still far outpaced earnings growth over the last 4 years.

According to the Household Budget Index, it’s even worse when just considering prices for things you have to buy, i.e., food, housing, etc.

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The Low Consumer Sentiment/Confidence Puzzle Resolved?

In the past few years, a persistently low level of consumer sentiment, as measured by the University of Michigan, Conference Board, or Gallup surveys, relative to conventional economic measures has puzzled analysts, including this one [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. This puzzle is illustrated by the evolution of the U. Michigan series (FRED series UMCSENT), and the fitted values using 2011M01-2024M08 data on unemployment and year-on-year inflation.

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