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Capital Goods Imports and Equipment Investment


The last time we saw equipment investment declining was 08Q1; and capital goods imports  in 08Q3

Figure 1: Imports of capital goods other than automobiles (blue, left scale), and equipment investment (brown, right scale), both in billions of Ch.2012$, SAAR. Source: BEA, 2012Q2 2nd release.

Given depreciation, net equipment investment is probably declining.

James Hamilton at UW Madison: Predicting the Next Recession

The video of Jim Hamilton’s inaugural Juli Plant Grainger Institute lecture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Economics is now up!

Click here for YouTube video.

Must see for anybody who is serious about critically reading the tea leaves regarding an incipient recession (Spoiler: As of 9/11, he was sceptical a recession had begun). Interesting conjecture about using holding period returns on Treasury securities of different maturities to isolate a expectations hypothesis of term structure component (my reading).

(Aside: for conventional wisdom, see my Econ 435 notes for Econ on EHTS/yield curve/recession prediction)