Author Archives: Menzie Chinn

“Funny that these graphs consistently show the start of the Russian invasion, apparently a propos of nothing.”

That’s reader JohnH wondering why I put indications of the expanded Russian invasion of Ukraine (recalling the original invasion is in 2014), along with the recession. Well, it seemed like the beginning of the largest land war in Europe since World War II (with major battles not far from Kursk) had an impact on sentiment, etc., to wit:

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Inflation and Costs, One Year Ahead: What Do Businesses Think?

Paul Krugman reminds me why “expected” inflation doesn’t necessarily translate into one-for-one actual inflation, because of nominal rigidities like staggered contracts. He also brings my attention to costs that firms expect (as opposed to prices they expect), as measured by the Atlanta Fed’s “Business Inflation Expectations”. Here’s how those expectations stack up against others, and actual evolution of costs.

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