Category Archives: economic growth

Implications of a “No Recovery Package” Outcome

From Deutsche Bank on Sunday:

In the US, fiscal uncertainty is a major issue. As outlined above, we now assume that significant further support will not be forthcoming until after the election. The resulting drop in income support for households is already beginning to depress activity and we see GDP growth slowing to near zero in Q4 as consumer spending slides. Growth will pick up in Q1 with some post-election fiscal support.

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Where Did All the Stimulus Go?

By April 2018, the Tax Cut and Jobs Act and the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 had been put into law. The CBO projected a bump in GDP growth, relative to counterfactual. (According to the CBO, the TCJA alone should have pushed output 0.6 percentage points above baseline in 2019.) However, the actual record has been fairly plodding, as shown in the below figure.

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Manufacturing Peak?

With trade volumes flat or trending down worldwide, what to make of US manufacturing?

Figure 1: Manufacturing employment (blue), aggregate hours of production and nonsupervisory workers (red) and production (teal), in logs 2019M01=0. Source: BLS, Federal Reserve via FRED, and author’s calculations.

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