Category Archives: exchange rates

First Annual FRB-NYFED Conference on the “International Roles of the U.S. Dollar”

That’s the title of a conference (June 16-17) I had the pleasure of participating in. The agenda is shown below (I have included links to the papers where publicly available, but they might not be to the most recent version; Online agenda). This conference went well beyond recounting the main features associated with the dollar’s role, presenting both new empirical work (some based on micro data) and new theoretical work — ranging from the dominant currency pricing in a New Keynesian model to an explanation for staged capital account liberalization for the Chinese bond market, against a backdrop of rapid developments in digital currencies/assets and financial sanctions.

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Russia EMP Watch

One way to assess external financial stress is to look at exchange market pressure (EMP) – the change in the exchange rate, change in reserves, and change in interest rates, possibly weighted by inverse of standard deviations. or otherwise (see e.g., Patnaik, et al. (2017) for several different versions).

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