Category Archives: international

Cutting SWIFT, Sanctioning Central Bank of Russia

In the old literature on sanctions, costs imposed on the economy had to be pretty large in order to effect change (Hufbauer notes sanctions had an average impact around 2% of GDP, which wasn’t much; sanctions on Iraq were on the order of 5%). Those announced on Russia so far would not have that magnitude of impact in the short run (maybe different in the longer run). However, cutting off Russia from SWIFTin addition to other restrictions on financial transactions — might come closer. Sanctioning the Central Bank of Russia, apparently under consideration, might come yet closer.

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Russia EMP Watch

One way to assess external financial stress is to look at exchange market pressure (EMP) – the change in the exchange rate, change in reserves, and change in interest rates, possibly weighted by inverse of standard deviations. or otherwise (see e.g., Patnaik, et al. (2017) for several different versions).

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Interpreting Macroeconomically a War Scenario, Graphically

Most of the discussion of the macro implications of an expanded Russian invasion of Ukraine presumes elevated oil prices (e.g., [1]). This makes sense, certainly for the short run. However, if oil prices rise sufficiently (keeping in mind for Brent have already risen from about $70/bbl to $90/bbl), they will kick the economy into a slowdown. Slowdowns tend to push down oil prices. I think in terms of graphs; this is how I see the short term, and (potentially) medium term.

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