Today, we are pleased to present a guest contribution written by Joshua Aizenman (University of Southern California) and Hiro Ito (Portland State University) .
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Some People Think Covid-19 Hospitalizations Are Level
Reader Bruce Hall writes yesterday:
Cases continue to escalate; deaths do not; hospitalizations are basically level. The hyperbole around cases is unfortunate because infections are not categorized for action since asymptomatic to severe are lumped together.
Wisconsin Covid-19 Trends
This graph is for those who believe reports of negative outcomes Wisconsin are “fake news”.
Figure 1: Wisconsin current Covid-19 hospitalizations (blue, left log scale), fatalities as of date reported (red, right scale). Source: Covid Tracking Project, accessed 10/14/2020.
From Wisconsin State Journal (10/13/2020):
Citing inaction by the state Legislature, a St. Croix County judge on Monday rejected a request by a conservative legal group for a temporary injunction against Gov. Tony Evers’ statewide mask mandate.
The GOP-led Legislature has met once since the pandemic began, in April, to take up legislation in response to COVID-19. Lawmakers and Evers ultimately signed what officials on both sides of the aisle described as “imperfect” legislation.
The package aimed to complement federal aid allocated to the state, included additional Medicaid funding, allowed for increased unemployment benefits from the federal government and waived a one-week waiting period for benefits until February. The bill also allowed the state budget committee to spend up to $75 million during the public health emergency on coronavirus-related needs, though the committee has not exercised that authority.
Vos and Fitzgerald did not respond to requests for comment on Monday.
Johnson, who tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this month, said he is opposed to the governor’s mask mandate.
October IMF World Economic Outlook
Slightly higher 2020 growth for advanced economies forecasted – but big challenges moving forward
For the Record: Covid-19 Hospitalizations, Fatalities
Covid-19 related current hospitalizations are up; administratively defined fatalities are up slightly. However the pattern displayed in figure 1 is unsettling (a rejoinder to all those folks who think hospitalization is falling, and think cases rising is merely a reflection of more testing; e.g., here).
Nowcasts Compared
NY Fed, Atlanta Fed, St. Louis Fed, and IHS Markit released nowcasts today.
Wisconsin Alumni Assn/La Follette School/Elections Research Center panel: “Foreign Relations, Trade, & Policy: 2021 and Beyond”
On Oct 12, 7-8:30pm Central:
Moderator: Susan Webb Yackee — director of the La Follette School of Public Affairs
- Menzie Chinn — professor of public affairs and economics
- Mark Copelovitch — professor of political science, public affairs, and international relations
- Tana Johnson ’01 — associate professor of public affairs and political science
- Jon Pevehouse — Vilas Distinguished Professor of Political Science: International Relations
Register here.
Wall Street Votes on Ending Covid Package Negotiations
The Hill (posted at 3:01 EDT):
President Trump said Tuesday that he has instructed his top aides to stop negotiating with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on future coronavirus stimulus legislation until after the November election.
The Dow Jones:
Still More Winning! “U.S. goods trade deficit in August hits record high”
Headline from Politico. From today’s trade release for August:
Figure 1: US trade balance, bn. $, SAAR (blue, left scale), as a share of GDP (red, right scale). Light orange shading denotes Trump administration. Nominal GDP interpolated quadratic match. Source: BuCensus/BEA via FRED, BEA, and author’s calculations.
Synergy in Wisconsin
College re-opening or disdain for masks…or both! From WSJ:
Some public-health officials say they suspect that the large number of socially inclined students returning to the state at the end of August and start of September worked in tandem with another dynamic: a large number of state residents who don’t wear masks, they say, because many communities don’t require them or don’t enforce orders requiring them.