Author Archives: Menzie Chinn

Looking Backward to the “Recession of 2022H1” and Forward to the Recession of 2023

Ever wonder whether vehicle miles traveled (VMT) does a good job of predicting recessions? You should’ve stopped after looking at this Econbrowser post from January 4th, but I thought an update to most recent data would be of interest as we obtain December data. First take a look at what VMT does over recessions, versus heavy truck sales (suggested by Calculated Risk at some points), and the eponymous Sahm Rule (real time version).

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Wisconsin Economic Outlook, Benchmark Revised Wisconsin Employment and GDP

The February Wisconsin Economic Outlook forecast was just released yesterday. So too were January 2023 estimates for Wisconsin employment (incorporating annual benchmark revisions). How does the outlook look, given the data revisions? Pretty good in the short term. Over the next year – reflecting the forecast for the Nation – not as nice, with employment projected to decline modestly.

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