That’s EJ Antoni talking on something called Wealthion at minute 3:30.
It’s a free country (thus far), but really, this guy casting aspersions on other economists’ qualifications is pretty amazing.
EJ Antoni/Heritage on What Unemployment Rate We Should Be Looking At
Did Government Employment Account for Most of September’s Employment Gains?
The Great Replacement “Theory” * Comes to Economics at Heritage
The sad thing is that Dr. Antoni presumably knows he is playing fast and loose with the data.
Off topic – China, the bratty schoolyard bully:
As an aside, the ‘2025″ document discussed containing China within the first set of islands, meaning inside Japan and Taiwan. China clearly has intentions toward the second set, including the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia,. Shooting tin cans between Austrailia and New Zealand is just laughable. China’s ships would be sitting ducks in a shooting war that far from home.
Anybody know what this tantrum is in response to?
Here’s a risk metric:
Berkshire Hathaway is holding a record level if cash. The WSJ wonders what Birkshire is going to do with the cash. I think that question missed the point – holding cash is the point of holding cash. Cash provides a positive return and minimal risk. When you don’t see anything else you like on a risk-adjusted basis, keep cash.
Antoni is a socalled ?