Nonfarm payroll employment slightly exceed June 22 Economic Outlook forecast.
Category Archives: Wisconsin
Updated Wisconsin Economic Outlook
Just released (even as the Trump administration retains its January forecast), Wisconsin Economic Outlook June update. Employment is now forecasted to rise, at a higher level than earlier predicted. The implied pace of employment growth is almost the same as in May.
Wisconsin Employment
Like the rest of the nation, employment in Wisconsin recovered slightly. Unanswered is how sustainable the recovery is.
Wisconsin in the Trade War of 2018-
I’m interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio today, in the wake of declining Wisconsin exports.
Wisconsin, Minnesota and US GDP over the Walker Years
State level GDP data for 2019Q3 are out today. If you were wondering, Wisconsin lagged both the US and Minnesota. Since 18Q4 (the last full Walker quarter), Wisconsin growth has matched Minnesota growth.
Foxconn as Case Study of Targeted Development Subsidy
Or, “Ready, fire, aim”. From Mitchell et al. “The Economics of a Targeted Economic Development Subsidy,” Mercatus Center:
How the Manufacturing and Agriculture Credit Saved Wisconsin Manufacturing
Or not.
Figure 1: Manufacturing employment in US (blue), and Wisconsin (red), in logs normalized to 0 in September 2018. Light orange shading denotes Walker administration. Source: BLS, DWD, author’s calculations.
The Wisconsin Manufacturing and Agriculture Credit was fully phased in as of January 2016.
Wisconsin Manufacturing Employment Peaked in September 2018
National manufacturing employment peaks nearly a year later, August 2019.
Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Manufacturing Employment Contraction Accelerates
The contrast with national manufacturing employment (total, not just production and nonsupervisory, which is declining).
Midwest Manufacturing Malaise, Continued
Manufacturing employment in the three states that delivered the presidency to Trump is declining, continuing the trend from last month.