In case you were wondering, Minnesota continues to outpace Wisconsin.
Category Archives: Wisconsin
Wisconsin Nonfarm Payroll Employment Falls
Minnesota, US series continue to rise.
Wisconsin Employment in August
Wisconsin DWD release here.
Here’s private nonfarm payroll employment relative to 2011M01.
Figure 1: Log private nonfarm payroll employment for US (black) and WI (red), seasonally adjusted, both normalized to 2011M01=0. Source: BLS, DWD, and author’s calculations.
Wisconsin in Last Place for Start-up Activity
The Kauffman Foundation has just released its report on startup activity. Wisconsin comes in last place in startup density.
Kansas and Wisconsin Unemployment in Historical Perspective
Reader Bruce Hall asserts the two states aren’t doing too badly in terms of unemployment rates.
Wisconsin Employment: Five and a Half Years of Governor Walker
Wisconsin nonfarm payroll (NFP) employment is 63.2 thousand below what historical correlations with national employment would imply.
Assessing Industrial Policy in Wisconsin
The Wisconsin Budget Project concludes “Costly Tax Credit has Done Little to Boost [manufacturing] Employment”.
Wisconsin Employment Evaluated against a Counterfactual based on Historical Correlations
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development trumpeted May figures today. What if the relationship between US and Wisconsin employment over the 1994-2009M06 period persisted into the Walker era? We would have expected 60,000 more jobs than we got.
Wisconsin Employment: Falling Further Behind
Wisconsin’s Department of Workforce Development released employment figures today. Nonfarm payroll employment down 12,000, private NFP down 11,000, month-on-month.
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Identities, Parameters and Regressions
A reader comments:
Your final jab in this post regresses the state output gap on the fiscal gap. You then conclude that there is a positive relation between the two and that this somehow implies that a reduction in gov’t spending is a drag on the economy. I’ll just point out that …. that gov’t spending is a component of GSP. Of course they’re positively related.