Things that Are Unseen

In economics. Reader JohnH disparages attempts to measure r* (and r* plus expected inflation):

Question is, would anyone recognize the neutral rate if it stared them right in the face? And if it could be identified, would it be wearing its real face, a nominal one, or a “natural” one?

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Is the Fed Looking at FAIT? If so, What Would It Imply?

A reader takes issue with my post showing y/y and instantaneous core PCE deflator versus 2% target, noting (correctly) that as of 2020, the Fed’s new monetary strategy incorporates Flexible Average Inflation Targetting (FAIT). While I might have missed it, I don’t recall how one should operationalize FAIT in terms of graphs and rates of reversion to trend lines. The reader gives no guidance, merely a criticism, so I will update what I’ve posted before.

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