Recession Probabilities (using data through end-2022)

In a project with Laurent Ferrara, we have been examining the properties of financial indicators as predictors of (NBER defined) recessions. In addition to the term spread, we have considered Financial Conditions Indices (Arrigoni-Bobasu-Venditti, Goldman Sachs), the foreign term spread (a la Ahmed-Chinn) and the BIS debt service ratio (suggested by Borio-Drehmann-Xia). Slides from presentation in June here.

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Mean and Median Average Hourly Earnings Growth Compared

Anonymous tells a story about an old engineer regaling people with aphorism like “you may know the significant digits but do you know the significance of the number”, in talking about what the average joe is experiencing. Here are some easily calculated numbers showing the distinction between mean and median average hourly earnings (note that median usual weekly earnings are the product of median earnings and median hours worked).

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