Trade War and Recession?

Former Senator Toomey (Politico):

“We have a recession coming. That’s what the response would be from a full-blown trade war that [Trump] would precipitate,” Toomey said, referring to the president-elect’s trade proposals. Those include tariffs of up to 20 percent on all imports, tariffs of at least 60 percent on China and more radical positions such as swapping the income tax with tariffs.

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The Recession Call Revisited

There was a noisy minority of analysts thinking we were in, or imminently in, recession (see a list here). It’ll be interesting to see how those views are revised. However, as I noted, while the data was not supportive of being in a recession as of October, three possibilities could reconcile observations with such views: (1) the model is wrong, (2) the recession is here, but we don’t know it, or (3) the recession is still to come.

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Everyday Price Inflation at 0.3% y/y?

Versus 2.4% for the CPI (in logs). Lots of people think the government’s statistics understates the true inflation rate. It used to be John Williams at ShadowStats. Now it’s EJ Antoni at Heritage Foundation (who touts the use of Primerica’s everyday price index). But the American Institute for Economic Research’s “Everyday Price Index” (EPI) says otherwise (over the past year and a half).

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