The import quota rents that is. From Brian Riley/NTUF:
Thoughts on the Next Recession
CEA Chair Kevin Hassett has stated a recession by next summer is impossible. I’m wary of such definitive statements.
CEA Chair Hassett: US recession ‘impossible’ by summer next year
That title from an article in FoxBusiness.
New Estimates of Excess Mortality on Puerto Rico
It’s easy to forget that thousands of American died in the wake of Hurricane Maria, and more are set to die as the administration opposes further assistance to the Commonwealth. Yet, new estimates confirm earlier estimates, and give detail on the causes.
Proceedings Online: “Integration or Disintegration? The Future of Global Governance and the Global Economy”
The La Follette School Spring Symposium (April 3) is now online, showing insights from Dani Rodrik, Mary Lovely, Phillip Levy, Ian Coxhead, Lisa Martin, Krzysztof Pelc and Stephanie Rickard.
Panel 1: Trade and Globalization
Panel 2: Cooperation and Institutions
A Gold Standard Exchange Rate Regime for the 21st Century
The quasi-nomination of Stephen Moore and Herman Cain to the Federal Reserve Board has resurrected the issue of the gold standard. Jim Hamilton has repeatedly — and convincingly — critiqued the idea of a return to the classical gold standard, here, here, here, and here. But here I talk about what a gold standard for the 21st century would entail.
Who’s Supporting Moore for Fed? Institutional Affiliations of Signatories
Yesterday, I posted some observations on the signatories to the letter supporting Stephen Moore for the Fed letter posted [PDF]. Here for the sake of completeness is the list of the affiliations the signatories provided.
Isn’t that Exactly the Definition of…
From Bloomberg:
China is considering a U.S. request to shift some tariffs on key agricultural goods to other products so the Trump administration can sell any eventual trade deal as a win for farmers ahead of the 2020 election, people familiar with the situation said.
Recall Mr. Trump’s attempts to buoy Boeing, intervene in merger talks, support the steel industry through protection, and so forth. Also consider the attempts to politicize the Fed. Now consider this entry from The Library of Economics and Liberty:
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it.
The Campaign Continues: Economists Supporting Stephen Moore for the Fed
We get an inkling from a letter posted [PDF] yesterday, with “105 economists and conservative activists”…signing on
The IMF WEO on Brexit
What did the UK just dodge (temporarily)?