Readers [1] [2] inquired why there appears to be a trend break in (log) CPI at 2022M06. My best guess is the spike in oil prices.
Six Measures of Consumer Prices
Headline CPI shows the second highest increase since 2021M01.
Grocery Prices Decline
The latest CPI release indicates a decline in food-at-home prices.
Infant Industries, Subsidies, Strategic Trade Policy
More to come on how to think about the various tariffs (which seem to come under various authorities, including Sec. 232, Sec. 301, countervailing duties, etc., the White House statement doesn’t spell it all out) in a bit. But first, some slides covering nuances of trade policy (not even thinking about national security issues) from my 2022 trade policy class.
Friends Don’t Let Friends Think Only Bivariately
On thinking about today’s CPI numbers:
Instantaneous Core Inflation Drops, Core CPI Level below Consensus
From the CPI release today.
When a Purported Policy Analyst Writes: “Does a confidence interval … change what you would have done or should do? If it doesn’t, then it’s a mere artefact, a curiosity, but of no use to people making real world decisions”
You should run away from that “policy analyst” as fast as you can. The above is a quote from Steven Kopits, who styles himself a policy analyst. His entire comment is here.
Russia Thanks MTG, RoJo and Everybody Else Who Held Up the Foreign Military Assistance Bill
From MilitaryLand and ISW, accessed today:
Manufacturing over the Long Term
Reader Bruce Hall wishes for any discussion of the impact of trade policies include displays of the manufacturing sector’s progress, over the maximally long period. Here, without further ado, is what I could gather quickly.
Currency Misalignment Measured Assuming a Balanced Financial Account
The Coalition for a Prosperous America and the Blue Collar Dollar Institute have developed a measure of currency misalignment, reported in their latest Currency Misalignment Monitor (April issue).