…to 1% y/y [1]. Their Leading Economic Indicator edges up slightly [2]. Justin Ho discussed their brightening view on Friday’s Marketplace.
Wisconsin Employment in February: Continued Growth
Employment still outstripping the November Wisconsin DoR forecast, based on SPGMI national outlook.
Economic Report of the President, 2024
Released today, full text available here.
Are You Better Off Than You Were 4 Years Ago
Per capita GDP relative to 1st quarter of new administration:
Republican Study Group Proposals
Text here.
Over 300 Years of Central Bank Rates
An interesting picture from Jim Reid/Deutsche Bank:
2024 q4/q4 growth at 2.1% matches FT-IGM survey discussed in previous post.
WaPo: “In Wisconsin, a vote for Biden or Trump could come down to grocery prices”
That article prompted me to wondered whether Wisconsin’s grocery prices had moved up faster than the Nation’s. They have!
Things that Are Unseen
In economics. Reader JohnH disparages attempts to measure r* (and r* plus expected inflation):
Question is, would anyone recognize the neutral rate if it stared them right in the face? And if it could be identified, would it be wearing its real face, a nominal one, or a “natural” one?
March FT-Booth Macroeconomists Survey: GDP, Recession, r*
The FT-Booth Macroeconomist Survey was released today. GDP is slated to grow 2.1% in 2024, q4/q4.