Or, when 10% is not just 10%. (Wisconsin/Harley-Davidson edition)
Will Soybean Prices Recover when China Starts Buying American in the Autumn?
Typically, Chinese purchases of American soybeans picks up in the autumn, due to timing of harvests. If this is an important factor in the recovery of US soybean prices, one would expect futures for November delivery of soybeans would reflect that fact. As of today, they don’t.
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Thanks, Trump: Wisconsin Cheese and Motorcycle Edition
The Trade War to Date
Term Spreads in 2018: An Annotated History
Today, the 10 year-3 month spread ended below 1%, in the absence of safe haven effects. The 10 year-2 year spread ended at 0.35%.
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As a Social Scientist, I Thank Mr. Trump: Trade Policy Edition
One of the key difficulties in measuring effects and attributing causality is the fact that there are typically many confounding factors. That is why social scientists (and financial economists) often resort to event analyses — looking at what happens around a certain event (like an announcement) when little else is happening. Because there is so much going on with the Trump administration, this is not always possible. However, yesterday evening, the White House released a directive to USTR to identify an additional $200 billion worth of taxable Chinese imports. Here is what happened.
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Round Two for US-China Trade?
One irrelevant graph and one (possibly) relevant graph, in light of Mr. Trump’s statement on additional trade sanctions.
First, the irrelevant: the US-China trade deficit, which has been deteriorating over the first five quarters of the Trump administration.
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What Does This Mean? Trump asks USTR to…”identify $200 billion in Chinese goods for additional tariffs at 10% rate”
That’s part headline from CNBC.
President Donald Trump has requested the United States Trade Representative to identify $200 billion worth of Chinese goods for additional tariffs at a rate of 10 percent.
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Just Implementing Laws, and Following Orders, June 18, 1944
Historian Michael Beschloss just posted this picture, from 64 74 years ago today.
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