William Luther at AIER asks “Is Inflation Merely Catching Up?“:
Guest Contribution: “The Virus, Vaccination, and Voting”
Today, we present a guest post written by Jeffrey Frankel, Harpel Professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, and formerly a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. A shorter version appeared at Project Syndicate. The underlying econometrics are spelled out in “The Virus, Vaccination, and Voting: An Econometric Analysis.” I am grateful for the excellent research assistance of Randy Kotti.
“this [Covid-19] pandemic ain’t 1918–never was, never will be”
— Comment by rick stryker, August 19, 2020.
Covid-19 Forecasts, One Year Ago and Today
One year ago (7/29):
IHME Projections for Deaths per capita In One Month, Two Months
IHME updated its forecasts yesterday. First the time series for total excess deaths:
Danger: When a Classical Scholar(/Ideologue) Discusses Inflation
Victor Davis Hanson, writing in a data-free commentary published by the Independent Institute : NOTE as of 7/26, the Independent Institute’s version of the article has disappeared; I add here another copy of the article, at some site called “American Greatness“. 10/26/2021, MDC.
“Rising Rents Threaten to Prop Up Inflation”
That’s the title of a NYT article today.
Missouri, Delta Variant and Economic Activity (So Far)
Three alarming graphs regarding the Covid spread in Missouri (from 7/19 WaPo), and some economic indicators:
Wisconsin Economic Activity in June
The Philadelphia Fed released the coincident index for June today. Wisconsin has re-attained economic activity levels recorded at the NBER peak of February 2020.